10:15 PM | Wednesday, July 30, 2008 | Link
chill for a moment
History and Maths over(: Geog next. 1 week to prepare, i had better mugg and not burn midnight oil like the past few days. The feeling sucks.
I swore to do work tonight but apparently I stoned when I began to watch youtube for just a litttllleee while. You know, teenyweeny bit and it's gone.
Came across this gross video. The knee dislocation is HORRIBLE. I don't want knees like that, I can go die forever.

POOR THINGthingthing. even if you've no time, you should really watch this. It feels painful just by watching it like that. You see the knee BENDDDD and the body GOES DOWN and damn the knee. It's not like you're doing yoga or some stretching you know. What's more, it's self-inflicted. Then I read a comment which was quite funny.
"he needs more milk"


found out about the basketball fixtures and saw the history of basketball for both c-division and b-division. There's a pattern somehow, although some schools are kicked out and some new schools are introduced. It's amazing somehow.

I'm jealousjealousjealous of Denise Austin. Go here and read her wikipedia page. Apparently, she's 51 this year, but I thought she was in her early 40s when she was doing the fitness video! Has 2 kids and is still looking good. gosh, what's the matter with her?? ):

Wanted to go watch my dad play volleyball and go shop for something this sat but CIP took it away. Have to travel all he way to Jurong East Sports hall for some activity called BOCCIA to get 5 CIP hours. Change of schedule, how sucky. I hope it's funn though(: but CIP was never fun if you notice. Cleaning of rivers when there's no rubbish till you have to practically LOOK for rubbish, learning how to cook chicken when you're hardly doing anything.... the list is endless

I realised that we need to chill sometimes. When you stand back and look at the big picture, you see much more things and began to realise that you're entirely selfish. Putting yourself before others, that's a common mistake though it's the simplest and easiest way to forgive yourself.

mengg, you can do it(: the ball is round...that's the great thing about basketball.

I'm sleepyy now. Hmm, what have I done today? charging my ipod, editing some songs, and well, practically nothing.