6:36 PM | Wednesday, July 16, 2008 | Link
it's not the end
i still don't get it. why is it so different? I thought i played my best but apparently it wasn't. I thought I felt tired after the first quarter so I thought I ran enough. I thought since I was such a failure I should pass. I thought I was a loser but i realised that I ain't even fit to be one.
I thought.......

Thinking is seriously not enough. I'm mentally weak. and physically. awww. But I can't help it when I think THAT way. I really can't hear an effing shit. I think I should go visit a counsellor since I can't find the confidence and bravery and skills shop. Maybe counselling won't even work. I'm hopeless. How I wish this was maple, buy gachapon and wear it. haha.
It has been a long time since I played games. Deprivation of childhood.
My life seriously sucks. I have achieved nothing so far. Geeezz.

After the match we went to CSC with Nicole, Rae, JIngmei, Rene and Amanda. Nicole's mum treated us, how nice(: camwhored like madd, I think we hit about 100 photos altogether. heheh. We made damn lot of noise in the toilet till people were annoyed :X
Upload next time(:

Today was ok, average. lessons were rather interesting I think, although I had a hard time staying awake. I'm sleeping more and more during lessons than usual. BLAHH. I think I slept for longer hours these few days??!! THE PERSON WHO SAID THAT MORE SLEEP = MORE ENERGY IS A FAT PIG. roar.
The only time when I could stay awake was during the darn maths pop quiz. BP was hopelessly boring although I thought the stories were quite nice. haven't read a book for a long long long long long time.

that's all i suppose. geez. I wanna watch a MOVIEE. but there isn't nice movies around. I wanna slack but wanna mug at the same time. I wanna do things well but I end up screwing it up.
Life is full of contradictions.

and, im sorry. there's probably no way you can spur me on. I'm just like that.

Just printed 3 pieces of pictures of animals. I think art's lame but i had a fun time browsing through the pics(:

And this is a damn cool pic: Photobucket

Sexyaye? It looks gloomy, that's why it's sexy(:
Ok im retarded.

Gonna switch off the com to mug for stupid chengyus. I want my darn points. It's probably the easiest to score.
And ohh, the durians just arrived. HAHAHA. 2 hours late. Gonna stuff myself and put my mind elsewhere. Instead of thinking about useless stuff.
and JINGMEI the pigg, tagg lehh! make my tagboard aliveeeee. :D