9:55 AM | Sunday, July 06, 2008 | Link
say goodbye and hello
Yesterday was slack. Training was relatively slack in my opinion, although I almost felt like dying just during warm-up. There were more than usual water breaks and training ended at around 12, on the dot, 1 and a half hour earlier. It just feels weird I suppose.
Coach was moody and well, pulling a long face. He looked tired. Probably of us. I don't know.

Learnt new formations and stuff. Did under-baskets and passed the heavy trainer ball which we did not do for about 4 trainings. At that point of time, I rather trained than have tournaments, although tournaments are the reason why we train. I think I like the new formation (:

Next training's on tuesday at 2:15! I hope no one's late cos they would be OUT of training and match. Serious. I would probably skip lunch or something.

After crapping and jingmei camwhoring with weiwen, we went to the canteen to do homework. YEPP, homework. I did a few questions,quite unbelievably. But we spent more time talking and eating though. We DID do homework (:



Her face looks like it was cut and paste on the photo isn't it?


Some pics. JIngmei the pig dropped her paper and it fLEWWWW down.



Oh and she did one jump shot I think, Face censored. Her request. Although I think it's quite ok. Nicely censored I think. The basketball fits her face PERFECTLY (:


Oh and the nice security guard which I mentioned in the earlier post was on duty yesterday. (: Then we spent quite some time saying byebye to him and walked off. Then I felt an urge to pee so we ended up going BACK to school. He didn't notice us man! He aint doing his job. Then when he saw us coming out again, he looked quite shocked. heheheh. GHOSTS. (:

Stoned and everything in compass point and the mrt. Slept throughout the journey. I feel tired. Everyone's tired I guess.

Tomorrow's Youth Day. Another day for sleeping and stuff....
I'm in need of money. RAWR. I wann a jobb.