8:43 PM | Friday, July 11, 2008 | Link
This morning was disastrous. It was probably the longest walk to school ever although I took the bus to the back gate. I thought about alot of things. Couldn't understand.uncertainty
Then when Jingmei asked me to go open the cage to get the ball bag for the guys, I felt worse after leaving the gym. D:
But I'm glad I went to watch the guys' match(:
The guys played well. It was an exciting match although the final score was 50-51, our bad. I think ex-jiaolian shouldn't make so much noise in the future. haha. Caused her team to have technical foul, lols.
Came home and talked alot to my bro. For once I think, in these 2 weeks. I realised I lost in touch with my family. D: And my mum said "you finally want to talk already ah". Then I was like: yahh. Today damn good mood.
Then I realised what she said was true. These few days, I would just pull a long face and bathe and do my stuff and sit in front of the com. Just that. I talk to myself. Myself talks back to me. Or perhaps some online friends.
I sorted my feelings out although I'm uncertain. I'm wondering why I feel numb. Disappointment, failure and disappointment again. I shouldn't have had considered so much. I shouldn't have had lost faith in myself. At the very least, I should have trusted coach and did what he told me to. OHWELL.
I guess this is what regret feels like. Regretful.