11:02 PM | Thursday, July 31, 2008 | Link
one whole day just gone like that D:nothingness
Didn't watch the guys' match cos I was ermm, lazy and muggy
turned out that i didn't mugg.
promises are shit
I'm wondering why I'm typing like that.
Maybe enters are nice. Enter them awayyy
But I don't think I gonna post like this in the future, my enter key gonna spoil at this rate.
GAP was horrible today. When I mean horrible, I mean HORRIBLE. Leaves looked like big fat plasters and my flower was supposed to have 4 petals but it turned out to have 7. There was supposed to be a gradient but the colour was just thick and suddenly disappeared. you know, po4 bi3. D: Cos the petals were smalllll, I thought maybe I drew more to make up the empty space. Turned out to be the wrong decision. I wanted to merge a few petals together but Sylvia told me not to. Glad I didn't, wonder how it'll turn out.
The bee-drawing was atrocious. It was tinyyyy but it was the crux of the whole drawing. Draw a big scorpion and you're screwed. Calvin's one looked like a spider, mine like a scorpion, and i don'tknow about the rest. Sylvia was complaining that the "hair" on the plants looked like fangs. I thought they looked like the nails on cactus o.O
The rest of the day was mundane, as usual. We're learning chem now. Gah, memorising of the periodic table. lalalala. just hope i don't drop dead and die.
Mugged with jingmei after school. Yepp, mugged. That girl cheats people's feelings de. Play AWHILE then do a question then hardly done then play another while. ha.
sorry ahh, really didn't feel like going home that earlyyy D: anyway it's nice to not have loudspeakers beside you once in awhile when you go home. Can think much clearer(:
Turned out that my dad had to do grocery so I had to come home myself -.-
Spent about 15 mins finding ziyi's uniform before playing ball. Alone. yep. Cos everybody was busy and jingmei could have accompanied me, if only she didn't had a dumpling for an ankle. D:
But I sorted out alot of things in just that 45 minutes.
Slept throughout the whole train ride and I was wondering why the train moved so slowly. Seemed to sleep longer than usual and I was so damn afraid that I missed my stop.
It isn't pure luck damnit. don't look down on others just because they have proven that they can do it, just once.