9:13 PM | Wednesday, August 20, 2008 | Link
Everything hurts
badly. My arm, my knee, my stomach, everything. D: Sprained my arm last training and I feel horrible after training, always. It seems that my arm is worse than before. I don't want to be paralysed roar.

SIGH. Let's talk about today. Science test was screwed. I slogged my life out to study for Chemistry and they only test one page, while Physics is like everything? Screw waves. We're studying invisible things which we can't even see. -.- I don't get the logic.
French test was relatively fine. I think the girl is hilarious.
"OH MY GOD, TEACHER! I slept just now and I didn't hear, oh my gosh. So screwed"
That was during listening comprehension.
Weird things just happen in this world. Unimaginable

Then walked to the gym at about 5 and gosh, was I late. Ended up training and staying in school till 8:25, waiting for my dad. Everyone says that it's faster going home by MRT than waiting, and I definitely know that. It's just me being lazy and having a heavy butt that causes me to stay in school and stone. I don't know, nights in school are just so much better. You can think about a lot of things. Life is full of reflections, isn't it?
Then there were university guys training. They can dunk eh! :X Coach was training his 3-pointies and he wasn't very happy. You could hear him making some noise there. HAHA. He was shooting with this big watermelon ball. imbaa.

Geez. I'm feeling tired. What a loser.
Life's horrible. I want to sleep yet there are so many things for me to complete. I want to finish them because the sense of accomplishment would be overwhelming but screwed priorities are pulling me back.

Gonna go print the chinese cover page and off to sleep.
Let's hope that tomorrow would be a better day.

I didn't know that I would dislike somebody that much. You just irk me. Please eff off. Thank you. You don't affect me, I don't bother you. Nice, clean, easy, fast, marvellous.

Geez, what a lousy way to end off a post that's 7 days after my previous post. HMM. Post a nice pic then(:

I realise it ain't that nice, but I feel much better(:
Mood swings I suppose. PMS.