8:21 PM | Wednesday, August 13, 2008 | Link
Rush of emotions
Lost my calculator and I'm hoping someone accidentally took it rather than it disappearing just like that. I don't wanna buy ANOTHER calculator cos it would be my 4TH one. Two last year and one this year.
Went online and just felt pissed suddenly for a moment, then I saw Shaoyang's funny comment on the dhsblog, laughed abit, and I'm ok now.

I'm wondering what's happening to me. My emotions come and go quickly, leaving me confused, but I'm glad I don't stay sad for long(: Trying to be happy is more difficult than being happy isn't it?

Today was just subtle and mundane. Slept during the last 15 mins of Chinese lesson. Chemistry lesson was the most fruitful(: The past few chemistry lessons were just crappy. I learnt practically everything today and I feel great. marvellous as a matter of fact. HEHEHHE.

Fell in love with Nelly Furtado's All Good Things (Come to an End). It just makes you feel less-hyper and calm down and think.
Honestly, what would become of me?
Don't like reality, it's way too clear for me
Really, life is dandy, we are what we don't see
We miss everything daydreaming

Flames to dust, lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end?
Flames to dust, lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end?

Travelling, i... only stop at exits
Wondering if i'll stay young and restless
Living this way, i stress less
I want to pull away when the dream dies
The pain sets in and i don't cry
I only feel gravity and i wonder why

Just part of the lyrics.

Ponned french and mugged today. Great decision(: Finally no procrastination and back on track. YIPPEE. Gonna go do Jessica's letter now. Write about her effing dad and how sucky he is.