9:07 AM | Wednesday, August 06, 2008 | Link

Look at the frown and you know how terrible I'm feeling. D:
That was two days ago. Now I'm feeling MUCH MUCH BETTER.

Didn't go school on Monday because I felt damn gay and weird and my forehead felt like dropping down due to its heavy weight. D: Turned out that I didn't really have fever, just a sore sore throat and a blocked nose.
Procrastinated the whole day by watching shows and stuff. Waited for the doctor for an hour and a half. >< Almost died.

Yesterday was nice I suppose. DIdn't go for PE because I thought we were going to run 5 rounds or something, but it turned out that we had an hour of basketball D: I shouldn't have missed it laaa.
Wanted to watch training but turned out that I played too, because I seriously couldn't resist the temptation to playy.
Then Mr Siva saw me and gave me a earful. Sigh, it isn't that I disrespect his PE lessons laaa. AWW

Friday's coming(: My endurance test!
I shall:
  • not sleep during the movie marathon. NO, not even a second
  • try my best in the 3km since it has been millions of years since I ran long distances
  • not lag behind during the trek with rachel since she's the organiser(:
  • be strong and have enough energy to sustain myself when I'm at Nicole's birthday party the next day (it's a stayover too)
  • be able to study Science somehow. I need someone to teach me): I hope the test won't be difficult, damnit

  • Yes that's it. All these resolutions(: There's something about waves that I don't really understand. I don't know what but I'm just worried.
    I hope I'm just simply paranoid and being worried over practically everything. ><
    Geog test later. ROAR. Turned out that I mugged the extra topic which wouldn't be tested AT ALL. We are just being tested on the four national taps of Singapore, but I learnt about water pollution. RAWR. Woke up early in the morning for nothing.

    This Friday's 6A class gathering. SIGH. I wanna go play basketball too, but I know I should take a nap and sleep since I gonna have movie marathon that night. Let's see first shall we? (:

    Looking forward to tomorrow's training somehow. HAHA. I love playing casual matches, they are soooo cool.
    Although I can't wait for official training to start, let's make every second of training count.