8:01 PM | Monday, August 25, 2008 | Link
whatever it is
Came back home early today, for once. Did some stuffs and I'm attempting to do Lit thesis but my book is left in school -.- Shall do the outline then.
The whole pile of stupid chinese worksheets are freaking me out. I shouldn't have procrastinated. But procrastination allows designs and ideas to marinate(:

Today's photo-taking was horrible. It was just too fast I think. Then TTG was abit angry and he began snapping away before we could even do anything. I wonder how the last pose would look. haha.

Basketball after that and it was horrid too. Today's horrible. Shooting was screwed, everything was wrong. My arm still hurts although I thought I recovered already. I always screw everything up just by making mistakes and I've no one to blame except myself. Trying to hide everything but you know that the facade will slowly melt one day. Listening to a super sad song now. Damn the shuffle. Why at this time?
My nose is feeling hot.

Hmm. i shall go choing history and science and acc and literature later. Haven't merge the powerpoints. D: Everyone has done their part. I feel like a loser. Nevermind, I'm one.
Damn those priorities. damn myself. damn everything.

Let's hope tomorrow will be a better day. Probably so with training(: Just don't shoot like some kuku then I'll feel fine. I always say the same thing but don't the same thing always occur?


Olympics have ended. Marvellous one in so many decades. So many world records broken, so many strong characters and much resilience shown. What a world. Looking forward to see more amazing unimaginable feats in the Youth Olympics.