10:34 PM | Thursday, September 18, 2008 | Link
mood swings
I wonder what is with me can. Yesterday felt pissed just because calvin and hansiang were fooling online. I was chatting happily with my mum before that and felt light-hearted, but all of a sudden, all f-words came out like a flow of river. mood swings
ahh i just laughed at Hot Shot's joke. ah ha. mood back to normal. what the hell.
Today was horrible. Snapped at people for no reason. Laughed before recess then was crappy after recess. Laughed at seriously funny jokes but felt annoyed when there was annoyance after that, which were just a little.
Food cheered me up a little(:
Recess: Hamburger and 2 choco chips
Lunch: 2 choco chips, 2 tarts and waffle
Greedy pig isn't it haha.
mugged at changi with jacob. calvin and hansiang didn't want to go. met jam caris and shermin at the foodcourt haha. Was quite productive. Science is good now.
It's 11:30 and i should be sleeping. my mum just came out to scream. SCREAM SCREAM SCREAM. ok lah, it's just nagging. blahblah. i want to sleep but i so wanna watch.
let's hope tomorrow would be a good day(: I always say that what the hell.