8:36 PM | Wednesday, September 24, 2008 | Link
Life's mundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundane.mugmugmug
Emphasis is required when life really is horrible. French test was fine yesterday. The teacher was kind and polite. At least she didn't cut me off when I spoke halfway, unlike Teri. And she even explained the question to me(: When I HUH??!!, she smiled and repeated her sentence, although I don't think I really understood ahha.
But I still think I screwed up. zZzz
There's a way to release stress though. CALCULympics, made up of CALCULATOR + Olympics. Simple, challenge your friend to 0. 100m would be urm. 100 + =
Ans -1
then keep pressing = and see who reaches 0.
retarded but it's more interesting than lessons.
I found it real interesting yesterday but it ain't anymore.
My mum came back already(: safeandsound. haha.
She bought 6 earings and 3 dresses and a shirt and a short and 3 long pants -.-
Dresses o.O
blahblah. TAGTAG please.
Mugged geog in school for AWHILE.
Gonna mug maths with rachel tomorrow. Mugging maths tonight. Friday would be french test + mugging for geog. History would commence tomorrow too! No study dates from now on. You gonna date yourself! ):
Anyway I realised that Yangmehmeh's method of facing a white wall and doing your work in a quiet room does work sometimes. Just put coffee beside you to stay awake.
I'm going to try a day of mugging without sleeping. Like 3-1. sleep for 2 hours. 3-3 next day.
Then the next day crash till the next morning.
OHYAH. And I cut my hair. SHORTSHORT. Feels lighter and makes me happy. Changes make me feel happy(:
Goodluck for maths diagnostic quiz. I hate quadratic graphs.
Off to bathe and mug.
WHY mug?
1. Cos you don't want to screw up.
2. And you want to spare your ears from rantings
3. cos it'll affect your damn future
4. cos you go to school to study = mug
5. cos if you suck and end up in some not-so-nice combo class, you won't be happy
6. teachers look down on students with bad grades.
7. a good student is a student who can mug. which in this case is rightfully wrong.
): the list can go on and on. and I'm damn right about point 6.