1:08 PM | Friday, October 24, 2008 | Link
life is full of choices. now i've to make one dumb stream choice. waste time only. actually I rather they give us the topics which are necessary then we won't regret if we choose the wrong stream haha. But people like me will probably complain and complain about how horrible a subject is blahblah.

Yesterday I sat in the hall until my ass turned sore. Serious. It turned numb when I went to the toilet with Caris. zzzz. But I suppose the talks were really helpful. ANd I changed my mind about geography(: Taking history now haha! I don't know why, but it just struck me that I had more interest in history so I should just follow my interest I suppose. TOld my dad and he was saying that I was always changing my mind.

Slept the whole morning. I was intending to ball so I woke up at 7 but read a few pages of a book and slept for a while. Woke up at 9 and realised the floor was wet from a rain. After teevee-ing I went to check the floors; it was slightly wet. Decided to take a nap AGAIN and here I am, camping in front of the computer-teevee typing this post. Gonna go swim with jingmei later. When to ball? I don't know. Probably late at night when it's quiet and you only here dribbles. Of course, I"ll bring the alarm along in case I meet any molesters/perverts/rapists haha. But I forgot where I put the alarm. Nevermind, I think I can scream. -.-

The past few days were balling and balling and balling. Tuesday was match against some school which were fast and good. OHwell, it was good experience. Wednesday was balling again(: But it was quite a horrible day because the cage was unlocked and nice balls just disappeared in thin air like magic. Found the balls though(: 1 more molten ball to go.
THe guys played against some angmoh school which center was even taller than Brandon. zzz. It's so freaky seeing people grow TALLER AND TALLER when you find yourself stationed at a certain pathetic height which is neither short nor tall):

i gonna go eat and swim later. soak my hair in the water full of chlorine and float in the water. enjoy the gentle cool breeze and the nice tingling smell of the rain. geez. that was how i enjoyed swimming two years ago.

And yes jingmei, you act cute lol.