11:28 AM | Friday, October 31, 2008 | Link
a few more months
Days pass quicker than I expected and now school has ended. It kind of feel weird but ohwell, I shall prepare myself to embrace a new year ahead. The seniors seem so really busy that I wonder if I would kill myself because of the stress.
but that won't be worth it lol.
Last day of SCHOOL
This day came real fast, before anyone expected it. I thought I would feel as if it was a normal mundane day, but instead, there was a rush of nostalgia when Ms Kheng began talking about us being a class which gave her heartaches, laughter and joy. A rush of emotions engulfed me when everyone began hugging and ohwell, the video which background music was annoying because it caused many people to cry. Jiamin Caris and the J class girls were crying. Geez. The gym's where I see people cry. First time was during EOY results and the second is this. It would be the very very last time I suppose, since we're moving back to the campus(:

Took pictures in class and here they are. Great thanks to Caris.......'s camera! haha.

THANKS ALOT to Caris for her note,keychain and photo, Amanda for her cute keychain and Huiwen for her handwritten letter(: I feel so bad not doing anything for everybody but ohwell, it's just me I suppose :X

Let me recollect the memories with everybody yay.
Caris: We became closer after the fillet and egg experience lol. Yepp, mug dates were successful sometimes, although we usually ended up gossipping here and there. We can alwaysalwaysalways meet up sometimes and mug or something. And uh, I'm not lesbian haha ><

Cherisse: The 2 weeks experience of sitting with you was enjoyable, although you were REALLLL quiet.haha. You're really devoted to Guides, probably much more than mine towards Basketball, and I really admired that(: All the best for everything heheh!

Sing Rue: Always remember that I'll grow 0.5cm TALLER than you every year! You were always the reliable reliable group member, allowing me to slack sometimes(: Thanks alot..... and goodluck with everything

Sylvia: ahha. I've loads of things to talk about ok! Uh, chances of being classmates would be super low since you're taking geog and i'm taking history, but we can always meet up for alot of things man. 6A and Kezo class gathering.... We have manymanymany common points(: And uh, I turned less vulgar thanks to youuu(:

Huiwen: My song-spamming source! Thanks for listening to my rantings of the songs I wanted and patiently copying and pasting them for me. Don't worry, we can always meet up and you can always continuing your spamming songs for me(: I guess my impression of you would be the promoter for JayChou cos you'd make a perfect one there(:

Jia Min: AHHH BIMBO! lol. The study dates with you were SLIGHTly successful haha. It was fun talking to you and listening you rant about crap. There were times we talked longer than usual and I began to see the other quiet side of you, although rarely. All the best in everything, AND DON'T PON GUIDES so much lah. haiyo.

Amanda: You always just laugh at me for nothing de uh! Then you'll gimme some sarcastic remarks lol. Your knee scab recovers super super fast man, I'm envious. Anyway, lit role play with you was funn(:

Ziying: Your acting skills are super super good(: I only found that out during the lit role play and you aint that quietquiet de lor! Talk more often and yay,you would soon be like me lol(: Thanks for lending me pens over and over again. I'd be annoyed if I were you ><

Lynette: you're supersuper smart uh. A very funny person, although you don't laugh at the jokes yourself ><

Sheena: the favourite of teachers lol(: You're a supersupersuper nice person who would laugh at my lame jokes, making me feel nice all over hahaha

Nicole: You're super funny and nice. Thanks for my birthday pressie and the funny times(:

Tabitha: Saboteur(: Thanks for being the middle man messenger when I had to pass messages around. haha

Shermin: MOOOMOOO haha(: Somewhat, we had more stuffs to talk about this year and it was great knowing you. All the I.T. Stuffs... geez

Shu Jun: the superr good ball-player. You can play practically any ball can >< Volleyball, bball and softball. Having you on the team is definitely fun

Wei Xin: YOu're really imba with your languages and science and ok, EVERYTHING. Walking to school with you sometimes relieves me of my boredom haha(:

Teri: There was a period of time which we were real close that you even said that it would be weird if we didn't do group work together as partners. Being on your group makes me feel real safe cos I know there would be a chiongster to back my slacking. >< Your english and science are real good, just believe what people say for once(:

Yvon: Thanks for lending me twilight(: I hope the book wasn't in a bad condition! >< You're my homework reference haha. Your maths and IT are superbbb.

Calvin: thanks for lending me your jacket when i had a BAD TERRIBLE HORRIBLE flu, especially on EOY geog(: and koping pearls too haha.

Jacob: idiot zilian guy, thanks for the encouragements and consolation, although your methods are abit screwed sometimes. I gonna kope songs from you soon(:

Marcus: managed to talk to you more than usual during the IDMI period and realised you were actually quite nice(: But why didn't you wanna take the last photo with me lol.

Zong Long: another source of jacket! haha, thanks for offering your drink although I declined it >< Sorry for the rollercoaster moods and venting my frustrations sometimes. I need a punching bag.

En Zhi: The retard who manages to quarrel till I've NOTHING to say. Geez. Your results leave people speechless so I aint gonna say anything. haha. uh, and thanks for lending me your jacket too(:

Han Siang: heheh. My online chat friend who keeps me entertained with your unconsciously funny jokes. Turn darker ok! Go tan, if not later you can't even be seen in a cold country with snow(: And we can go swimm often. Don't worry, I'll rescue you haha. AndAND, tag lah ediot.

Darryl: the guy with an immense amount of IQ. I forgot what already, haha. your sciences and maths are realll good but uh, don't be so sarcastic ok ><

And that's it. I realised that we've really little people in our class. Time travels real fast and soon I'll be in the same class with a different group of people with different personalities, probably even worlds apart. I wonder if I'd be able to blend in with the new identity and everything.

Yesterday's basketball match was fulfilling cos I saw and learnt alot of things. Huayi ballers are really fast and good. For once, the aussies are panicking yay(:

Today was mundane. Slept till 8:30. Ate cereal and a bun for breakfast. Curry rice and 4 slices of bread with curry for lunch. Curry rice and soup for dinner. 4 slices of chocolate coated cookies for supper. geez, what a pig. HOWEVER, considering that I missed dinner last night, as I only drank a pathetic small bowl of soup, today's meal is acceptable! (: Self-consolation is pathetic and hopeless, but it's the only way to make yourself feel happier artifically. Just like how I gonna eat KIMCHI cup noodles for lunch tomorrow. Instant noodles for the THIRD time. all health information gonna be thrown aside.

Took a slight nap and used the com com com. Changed the outlook of my ipod and added many applications. Training tomorrow. Sunday is freetime. monday tuesday wednesday thursday is ball. friday is swimming(: saturday is ball again. sunday is free time. and probably the routine repeats. wow, my life is so planned.
Wanted to find a job and had a nice chance but I forgo the interview today so there goes my probably $10 an hour job. heck. no mood.

I googled pictures using the word SAD and I found this. haha(:

Courage. Confidence. Need them. Find them.