9:27 PM | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 | Link
Hari Raya(:
have been blog surfing to entertain myself after long hours of mugging but decided that blogging would be the most constructive(: aha.
uh. I've mugged little. ): gonna finish TKAM haha. 60 more pages to go. Tomorrow would be mugging time with jingmei again. and i swear i gonna make good use of time. time's too precious.

Mugged with meng last sunday aha. Was quite ok and concentrated except for the fact that dumb maths questions made me waste paper by redoing and redoing again. KFC is a nice place when you have good earpieces stuck to your ears. Some china librarian shoo-ed us out AGAIN. Idiot. There were other people who were studying explicitly and she didn't chase them out??!! Just because they had MORE people doesn't mean that they can do whatever they want, damnit.

But my mood ain't affected(:

Geez. tomorrow gonna be the last schooling day before exams come. gottogo. study hard and rest well people(:

Jingmei: pawnpawnpawn. i pawn you too lahh slacking pig.
Huiwen: huh? what dumb lol. -.- hello
Cherisse: (:GOod luck too
Chantelle: oi piglet, shush. you go dance your rain dance heh. -.-
rae: eh.... but i solved the maths question in the end uh. And you had some help there isn't it? (: