6:20 PM | Wednesday, October 08, 2008 | Link
I want to learn how to hack(: haha.hacking is so fun. I hope the 2.0 update can be fast. I want 2.0 2.0 2.0. Then I'll be the happiest woman on earth(: just like how i once hacked my ipod and I think I felt relatively happy. Then I realised the songs wouldn't play so I had to restore it and hack again. Waste time. zZzz. poof.
Today was the nicest out of all the exams days. exams days are horrible. Today started with a lousy bang. Had morning signess (I-don't-know-how-to-spell) so I began sneezing and sneezing like some mad horse. Grabbed tissues on the MRT and one guy was staring. He must have been thinking "WTF is the problem with this girl. just stuff the goddamn tissue and shuddap". The flu stopped for AWHILE when I changed trains. It went on its rampage again during geog test but was ok after 5 tissues stuffings(: thankyouu calvin for lending me his jacket. yayay. sitting behind in class just makes you feel cold and jittery.
went home with jingmei and lunched at kfc. Kfc's fattening. the oil and stuffs, but who cares when you have painful knuckles. Met Khoon, Priscilla, Yingying and Ruhuan(: Wished it was back to those nice primary school days again, for a second. but I can't keep clinging on to those useless thoughts. I need to grow up. growupgrowupgrowup. What truly defines growing up? o.o
Bought Jingmei a cake. Some thick chocolate-fudge cake which was small and thick and had a pathetic small chocolate thing on top. Took 2 bites and I conclude it's thick and ohwell, quite nice. If I wasn't feeling that full, I would have gobbled it up although I treated her. hahah
"mugged" for awhile. Bio is quite ok cos you just need to memorise them. You don't need brains aha. Physics is horrible. Can't understand why everybody says physics is easier than chemistry. Isn't chemistry interesting, you add stuff and they emit some gas. waves are just some small stupid particles travelling in some gay direction. Anyway, i hate science.
Then it began to POUR HEAVILY. So, we took shelter in the cc and there was one uncle who talked to us about IV/IP/IE. I don't know what, but he was talking about some book which is small and super expensive, but after taking up the course, one can go straight to the university in Australia and there's not a need to take the entrance exam. But I wonder why he suddenly asked us about such weird stuffs. ahah.
It seemed that the rain would not stop when I wanted it to, so nice jingmei decided to umbrella me home. hahah. there was one super nice aunty who wanted to share the umbrella with me, which was BIGGER than hers. The umbrella went haywire somehow, going inside-out once. But it's not spoilt. In the end, jingmei was wetter hahah. not my fault ok. The rain's.
Then I saw the nice auntie who lives downstairs. She makes nice chilli sauce. I said hi to her and ohwell, I think she didn't hear/see me. One uncle was there and I think he was wondering why the lady didn't reply. Quite embarrassing to be dao-ed, especially when I said AUNTIE,NIHAO relatively loudly.
I hate being dao-ed. So I rather not say hello. I shall learn how to say hello anymore. It's so horrible. Just the feeling of being dao-ed makes one feel so queasy. nevermind.
four more tests to go(:
and i need to mug my science.
and maths.
I'm saying ohwells so often nowadays. ahah. stay strong people