10:10 AM | Tuesday, November 04, 2008 | Link
few more weeks to my trip to China. Zzz, no melamine please. Nevermind, since I'm strong (maybe), I won't get sick I suppose. But my immune system SUCKS TOTALLY. The table is currently full of wantans and ohwell, a big fat tissue box.

Yesterday's match against UWC was ok. expected I suppose. But I felt really really cold at a point of time because it was freezing cold in the gym.
Went to dine with Jingmei and Rachel at Kovan. Shopped for stuffs and went home by mrt.

Today's training training training and I'll have nasi lemak for lunch(: No link heh, but I love blogging about food. Glutton. I packed my table a litttlee bit and I just have to file my worksheets and shelve it properly, and everything's done!

Henna-ed my hair on Sunday, with the help from my mum, and now, my hair's slightly brownish red under the sun. yayayay. There's a weird hay smell though, when it's damp. Yoga was relatively fine, master asked us to do some weird poses and some were realll painful. I've learnt to balance my weight on both legs so some poses weren't strenuous and were quite bearable.

I gonna learn to

The last point is so important but it doesn't seem to be feasible anymore. My knee's so weird lah. You can't say it sprained but you can FEEL the joints moving then they'll move to a position which will contract, so you've to slowly straighten your leg and it'll move back to the original position, then everything'll be fine. gaygaygay.
Gonna go SWIMSWIMSWIM soon. The sun's so bright and inviting today. I gonna turn tan this holidays and get a healthier more complete colour tone!

A joke to share.... Hokkien's real easy. (from email)

A lady just called my phone, giving me a chinese survey. and ohwell, it was quite a funny experience. She went on blabbering and blabbering, bombarding me with questions politely, then asking me to choose a present, because the company wants to THANK ME apparently, then asked for my age, and I said 15 (act old mah(: ) then she was like: OHH. We're doing this survey for people 18 and above and your voice sounded mature so I thought you were 20++ so I'm sorry you can't have your gift.

LOL. More like my voice was deep and horrible right! Cos she went huhhing and orhh-ing when I think she didn't understand at all. lol. but her voice was nice so I didn't mind the survey(:

>> Shermin, Caris, Sylvia: yea thanks(: Heh. that wasn't exactly a collage I suppose
>> Han Siang: lol.