12:10 AM | Friday, November 07, 2008 | Link
I know I feel tired but I just don't feel like sleeping. All the dark circles and eye bags are coming in swarms and I'm looking more fatigued everyday. I should sleep early, drink more water, rest more, eat less biscuits, exercise more, eat lesser, talk lesser, use my ears and eyes more, concentrate more, care more and the list goes on and on.sleep
Imperfections, that's probably what everyone's dissatisfied about. I really really lack concentration. During coach's briefing today, I hardly heard anything so my answer was damn dumb. When people talk to me, my mind will drift off somewhere and I'll just look at the person, and go, ORH, YAH, yahorh, maybe, yah, ok, fine. -.- I'm going deaf too.
Training was not fruitful today. Coach left in the middle of training for the guys' tournaments and we were left to our own devices. As usual, everyone was having fun and I went abit moody. Shots didn't get in; my sprained-long-ago arm went cuckoo and ohwell, NOT GOOD AT ALL.
Skipped all 5 sets of physical training and I feel guilty now. I'll make up for them soon. maybe.
Went to Rae's house for the planning of graduation party. Actually, most of the time was spent with the big bear with a heart shape for its unique part. I can't believe I actually TALKED to it. Bad influence from rachel. But it did make me feel young again.
Bus-ed home and I realised that the sunset was real beautiful. I made a promise to myself that ONE DAY, I'll be on the beach for an entire day and witness the sun set and rise. came home and audition-ed and here I am, stuck infront of the com.
It's my sis's birthday celebration today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY(: a year older and maybe you'll be experiencing the whole load of unexplainable emotions that I did. Sorry for the PMS periods when I just flared up and snapped at practically every nonsensical thing. Thanks for the small little things that you did although I never did once say anything. When I dao, you keep quiet. When I laugh, you try your best to smile together although it's something lame.
And when I figure out what's the best birthday present, I'll give oneeee. I know I owe you like 2 years of birthday presents.
Let's hope the trip to China will be a fruitful one