11:55 PM | Monday, December 15, 2008 | Link
6A Class Gathering
was wonderful. Didn't expect it to be fun or anything, cos i thought we would just laze around and end up doing nothing. But it was quite ok, despite the fact that I was bai-ka.

Did a collage again. I think it's fun. Spent quite some time but the end reward was satisfying.



Small pathetic neoprints. Haha. Brunched and tea-ed at KFC and Macs respectively. Everyone changed so much, but it still never fails to amaze me how time can pass so fast these 2 years.
Gonna be in B-div next year and soon, I won't even get to play ball anymore when I go to university and stuffs.

Gonna mug with Syl in the morning at Macs tomorrow and visit the Supposedly WONDERFUL sinseh with Khoon at orchard tomorrow. She injured her knee too, poor thing):

I guess I'm feeling tired so I gonna turn in. I feel like doing work all of a sudden. How weird.

>edit: Just listened to 下一个天亮 by 郭静 and it's sort-of nostalgic. I suppose 郭静 is a relatively good singer(: Most of her songs are nice, for example 我不想忘记你,你的香气. It's quite rare that I'm addicted to a chinese song(:
And it's EVEN MORE SURPRISING that my bro heard of it and likes it. Gay? Ha, maybe. Or he grew up a littleeeee bit.

Reply Tags:
>Jingmei: take care pig! don't get fatter horh.
>Sylvia: heh. I did go to class gathering didn't I? (: Thanks alot for the newspapers

Tag eh people):