9:29 PM | Saturday, December 13, 2008 | Link
half a month left
to do my homework. Gosh I'm so screwed. I really feel so dead and meaningless now. There's a party downstairs for I-Don't-Know-What but the guy's voice is annoying. Maybe it's because my mood's horrible but I just wish I have peace now. Wanted to find somebody to chat with but nobody was online.

Today was a horrible day. Forgot that Jingmei was overseas so I ended up waiting for her lol. Met Crystal at buona vista and bused to school. Had a stomachache which sent a piercing pain to my belly (stomach? whatever). 10 minutes to training and I had a serious knee sprain/tear/injury? Training ended early so I reached home early, only to hear my dad rant. I guess they don't really understand that I do want to take care of myself damnit.

Went to the sinseh at 4:30 and had a talk about calcium and milk by my dad and the acupuncturist. I guess they're just concerned after all :/
I swore to myself that I would be a patient/understanding parent in the future(:
Injuries are part and parcel of life!
ANYWAY, the needles sent electric currents to my feet and I acted as if I had spasms. >< I wonder how THAT even happened. But I did feel much better after the treatment but I've a dumpling for a knee now. White fat dumpling. Just got to be REAL careful during class gathering lest I sprain it again.
And I just learnt that the fees could be claimed from school(: HEHEHHE

Had white carrot cake, fried kway teow and some soup for tea. It had been A YEAR since I ate fried kway teow. The small little crunchy seafood which look like shells are nice. However, they're high in cholesterol and FATTENING.
I've millions of mails to check and categorise. 129 to be exact.
Gonna read some jokes to cheer myself up. Would post some if they're real funny but I doubt so.

(Argh there's this dumb Bluetooth DUN connection that keeps appearing now and then. It's so annoying. Someone teach me how to remove that thing once and for all? Thanks(: )

Balled/did maths/watched survivor/watched secrets of the mega rich with Crystal yesterday. Balled and ate icecream with her. Wanted to cycle but decided that the bicycles were a little TOO heavy to bring downstairs. Pity she lives in Bedok and not somewhere near my house, if not she would probably be the person whom I'll drag to the basketball court most of the time. Bedok's really farr. Tampines's nearer(:

Speaking of Tampines, I'm reminded of the study date with Rachel on Monday. 4 hours on 2 pages of maths for me, and 4 hours on a page of maths for her. Conclusion? Unsuccessful. I slept with Eddie. Haha. She said I violated her bed. But I couldn't do anything else cos her bro was using the other com too. And you can't expect me to sit there and watch them play maple, cos it would be super no-life.
So I slept, for 2 hours.

Oh, and Eddie's a bear with a weird part that doesn't make it a guy actually.
Gymed with Rae after match on Tuesday, and I've learnt that gymming isn't actually fun. You need loads of discipline.
Met the uncle which was with us at the China trip, at the gym. What a small world. And he actually remembered me. haha(:

Learning points these holidays:
Milocup taught me loads of things.
Holidays made me realised that I was a real slacker and would take a long time to get things done.
Trainings made me learn that being weak isn't an excuse for failures.

Absolute Boyfriend. Hana Kimi. Hana Yori Dango 1/2. Forensic Heroes. Shows which I've watched and I forgot the rest. I guess I'm really desperate.

/edit> Oh and the annoying voice is gone. I think they're clearing up since it's 9:45 now. I'm not in the mood for parties