6:53 PM | Thursday, December 04, 2008 | Link
i need a miracle to succeed
It poured today. HEAVILY. terribly. Nearly slipped and fell again. I've poor balancing skills. SIGH.i need a miracle to succeed
Wanted to buy books with Jingmei on Wednesday but she was SICK. gonna go buy with her tomorrow(: Saturday's training. Sunday's match. Monday's mugging day with rachel. lol. I seriously doubt it will work. But she gonna teach me RPQ. lol. Interested mah. Can't believe our conversation topic after training was about maple. I think when you're bored, you'll turn really desperate.
Lunched/Dined with jm, jiaqi, rae and weiwen at kfc. not bad. I love cheesefries. The cashier was weird. He keeps telling people at the next counter to go to his counter because he claims the next counter gonna close. When adults go to the next counter, he doesn't chase them away. Then more and more people will go to his counter and the other 3 counters are closed TOTALLY.
But he's weird in a good way because I get delicious cheesefries. I think the cheesefries cost like $3.20 and he said that since I bought a student meal just now, he would charge me $2.90. Lol. Then he asked me if there was enough cheese and I said yes when he asked me if I wanted more and I ended up with a WHOLE PLATE OF CHEESE. There was only a fry without cheese. heh(:
But stupid jingmei was there ranting about how fattening it was blahblahblah. But I skipped dinner!
Checking my mails and I found some lame jokes that made me grin for a second or two. lols
Anger management?Ok the rest are lame. Just about 10 seconds ago, I was thinking: siian. nothing to do.
Husband: 'When I get mad at you, you never fight back.
How do you control your anger?'
Wife: 'I clean the toilet.'
Husband: 'How does that help?'
Wife: 'I use your toothbrush .'
Then I remembered...
I borrowed a book!
From new arrivals and it's a book regarding a detective investigating about the death of his daughter and the complications. Sounds pretty mundane and normal, but since it's under new arrivals, I supposed it's good.
REPLY TAGS from long time ago
> Natalie, Yenlin, Tingyu: HELLO(:
> Shermin: heh. posted. and we can always meet up lah. Don't keep sighing. lols
> Jiamin: read(: heh.
> Hansiang: People in China, plus internet slow like crap. Internet explorer even took 5 minutes to appear. a letter took 3 seconds to appear.
> irock: uh?
> Nicole: lol. which nicole? ong/ng? haha
> Jingmei: eeyer. what's wrong with turtleneck. And you damn nice uh. laugh for a second or 2 not enough. 30 seconds -.- great entertainment value horh
> Sylvia: I gonna bash you up yea! And after this post the picture won't be beside the tagboard haha. And you look ok uh. Want me send you enlarged picture?
> Rae: ahh shuddap. So many layers mahh. Long johns, turtleneck, big fat sweater. DO you know how thick the sweater is? And yalah, 2 kg, fat le luh. But it's much better than the malaysia trip what
Gonna go read book then watch teevee and sleep. My body aint aching surprisingly. Maybe it's because I was too lazy to do it. geez