11:03 AM | Thursday, December 25, 2008 | Link
My mum attempted to impart some culinary skills to me just now and it didn't work. Asked me to cut chunks of tomatoes to put them in the spaghetti sauce but it turned out I couldn't finish slicing a tomato in 5 minutes. The chunks are too small and annoying and I've to do it with a BIG chopper. It isn't my fault it can't be done quickly, is it?Reminiscence
Then she got me to fry some fish cakes but it turned out that I flattened it when she asked me to spread them out. Haiiya.
I'm so glad Dunman doesn't have Home Econs, if not I'll fail everything >< I'm not born to be in the kitchen, but in front of the computer and teevee.
Today's Christmas! Now I'm alone in the house with my mum and grandma. The rest went to play basketball. o.o yah, they love the game.
Yesterday was meet-up with Zhan, Meng, Khoon and Jas(: Couldn't really find my way so I decided to go to Khoon's bus stop. Ezanne's a cute little girl who will grow up to be an intelligent woman(: But I can't communicate with young kids soooo ohwell, I can only appreciate their cuteness and innocence. I've many flaws ):
Lunched at a food court before catching a movie. We were supposed to watch Yes! Man but ended up with Bedtime Stories cos I guess Meng was thinking of sleeping too much that she told the cashier bedtimestories. haha. ANYWAY, it was a sweet mistake because Bedtime Stories was funny and entertaining. I would have enjoyed that show much better if not for the damn flu.
Meng kept laughing about the bee joke -.-
Chatted at a water fountain for quite some time over everything under the sun/moon/universe. It was amazing how the topics jumped about but yet, all of us had a part to contribute. The sense of nostalgia came back again. We were so unbeatable in sports in primary school, because it was always groups of 5, and we were always the fastest to find our groups. Groupwork was so easy because work was done so quickly and homework was completed with the help of manymanypeople. My Chinese improved tremendously, with the two chinese pros who would pick on every little mistake I made.
There was no time to feel sad or think about any sad moments because every second was so fulfilling and worth reminiscing.
However, I've learnt something this time. Reminiscence makes past moments even sweeter, while reflections make the promising future even better.
Relax, Take It Easy (Mika)
Took a ride to the end of the line
Where no one ever goes.
Ended up on a broken train with nobody I know.
But the pain and the longing's the same.
When you're dying
Now I’m lost and I’m screaming for help alone.
Relax, take it easy
For there is nothing that we can do.
Relax, take it easy
Blame it on me or blame it on you.
(Love) There is an answer to the darkest times.
It’s clear we don’t understand it, but the last thing on my mind
Is to leave you.
I believe that we’re in this together.
Don’t scream – there are so many roads left.
Just posted the meaningful parts because the chorus was too repetitive and the ending was about marriage. Not applicable yea(:
Mika's vocals are HIGH.....
And, listening to happy songs sometimes, is a positive change.
Geez, this post would be even better if we took group pictures or something. Stupid Khoon. Bash you up. HMPH.
Ok maybe not, cos that would be dumb.
Bused back with Meng and chatted at the bus stop, while waiting for bus 83 to come.
I guess I really want to post a picture so I shall go collage-making(:
the smell of spaghetti makes me feel so wonderful

Yay done(:
Shall go eat my spaghetti and go out later.
Come back and do work!
Today is a beautiful day. There's a gentle breeze now, and the music on shuffle isn't some noisy rap song. Merry Christmas to EVERYBODY and may the next few moments be as wonderful as well(:
>Meng: lols. I need inspiration you KNOWWW.
>Jingmei: yah. FAT ): heh. Merry Christmas(:
>nn: merry christmas too(:
>Ann: (: merry christmas!
Edit: (old draft)
New shoutbox! (: Get it it's prettier than cbox! (: