8:26 PM | Tuesday, January 06, 2009 | Link
2nd day of orientation
was nice. Spoke to alot of people and the sfs were really superb.
French was fine and the new teacher is so wonderful. Her lessons are really interesting, except for the fact that she speaks french her entire lesson, so I can hardly understand what she say. But I gonna put in EXTRAEXTRA effort in french this year damnit. Make my parents shut up. ):
And I'm feeling lousy so this small improvement probably gonna make me happier.
There's some french textbooks that cost lesser than 100 bucks. Geez. Just 2 books and one big hole in my dad's pocket. Heart pain~~

This morning was horrible for Jingmei): cos she got marked late but I wasn't. Well, I realise that her teacher isn't that nice after all. Mrs Tan was super nice, just inquired if I was still unfamiliar with the school and ticked my name.
Here's how we got lost:
Boarded the bus which was packed. I was hoping to get a seat cos I woke up like damn early. Jingmei missed a packed bus so ended up reaching tamp at 7. Bus 15 to Eunos took 45 mins and we overshot one bus stop when I was right that we had to stop. Realised it was 7:50 so we decided to taxi to school, only to realise that the morning assembly had ended when we ran there. I almost got banged down by a car when I braked too slowly. SIGH.
I still haven't figured out how I wanna go to school. HOW.
I want a superman/woman to appear now! ): then he/she can fly me to Dunman High School. Then I can sleep till 7:35. So cool.

Eh, and Jingmei, I didn't mean to elbow you! ahhh. If only I knew you were feeling moody. Then you ended up emo-ing and writing something.
Glad that you were ok after training. heh, suddenly so high. PMS

There gonna be GGG (gang gambling gathering) at Khoon's house(:
Wonderful suggestion.
As always(:
Friends foreverrrrr(:
I'm so glad your are always there whenever I want to chat and the understanding is mutual(: Love the days when we played basketball together and laughed like anything when just a silly thing happened.

Gonna go shower to chill abit and think about some serious things. I need to sort out my thoughts and begin planning for the month. Being disorganized ain't gonna do me any good.
The year has started so there's only a day to fool around and perhaps over the chinese new year I can slow down for a while. Other than that, I have to begin really taking my studies seriously. No more days whereby I reach home at 8.30 and finish bathing and dining at 9, doing groupwork till 11 and rushing homework after lessons.
Basketball practices made nights even worse when muscle aches would wake me up in the middle of the night and I will end up with thigh cramps.