9:24 PM | Friday, January 23, 2009 | Link

I wondered if I mentioned this before, but 残酷月光 by 林宥嘉 just grabs my attention.

Today was quite ok. Lessons as usual, nothing special, except for the fact that we had mountains of homework over the "LONG WEEKEND". We are Chinese, so naturally we celebrate chinese new year, so the teachers can't possibly be hoping that we bring our homework to visit our relatives, can they?
That's madness.
And it's sort-of inauspicious, if anybody were to believe it.

But I believe in my mugging power so I shall complete it someday, sometime. However, I gonna certainly enjoy my chinese new year and gamble more.
To earn more pocket money. Cos I'm a poor child who's relatively deprived.

Third lang today was hell. Bused, trained and walked there with juniors. Ha, they're cute and can really come up with lots of crap. Hell, I didn't think I could talk so much and so carefreely when I was just one year younger.
The lesson was horrible because the teacher was speaking like a bullet train. In french. As if I understood. SIAO.
The worst thing was, I began dozing off. Tried pinching myself but it didn't work. Then I just jerked awoke like suddenly.
Chatted with a few RGS people and there was this girl who was super good in French.

Went to Popular to buy a notebook and fullscap paper before waiting for my dad to fetch me. Heh, I'm dependent on my dad. It's always good to be driven around when you can just sleep in the air-conditioned car.

Chatted quite a lot in the car and came across much food for thoughts.

Baby-pooping machines
I still can't imagine that women were baby-pooping machines in the past. We were practically sows man. Poop! a baby girl. Poop! A baby boy. Poop! again. Twins! Triplets! How convenient. Main leisure activity for men, of course.
I'm so glad I'm born to enjoy democracy(:

I was complaining to my dad about how I felt so deprived of cousins because almost all my classmates were very close to their cousins, relationship so close that they could even be compared to be siblings. Then my dad said I was unlucky because my cousins were old, to the extent of being older than my mum. I'm an old aunty who has 2 nieces already):
Anyway there are little baby-pooping machines nowadays so our future generations will have cousins yay(:

This is the super hot discussion topic online and in the newspapers. I wondered why, but I asked my dad if he would allow euthanasia to be put on my late granny when she was suffering for the last 20 years of her life. Come to think of it, it was probably a touchy and sensitive topic, but I always spit my mouth out before anything so I hoped it didn't really provoke any painful memories for him.
Oh gosh.

Ahh. I just remembered. He told me that 钱不够用 2 was a very touching show because the old granny in the show reminded him of his mum. Sigh. Why did parents have to die. If only parents and children died together. No sorrow. no remorse. no regrets. nothing. at. all.

Anyway, I hope Euthanasia would be allowed in Singapore. I believe that patients should be given the right to decide if they still wanna live on this earth, and not suffer anymore. It's their life; they choose the path.
I know many people believe that by using euthanasia, they are stripping off that small tiny pathetic percent of hope that a miracle would occur, from the patient. But, miracles wouldn't be called miracles if they happened so often.
I'm realistic. So maybe that's why I don't delude myself.

My sis brought back noodles which she whipped up during her home economics lesson and it was kind of delicious, though I hope I can refuse admitting that. I'm destined to be able to cook instant noodles my entire life. Can't even break an egg properly without having shells going in the mixture. Maybe I shall learn how to cook spaghetti. No frying of food, lest my kitchen burns down.
I planned already; if i were to live on my own in the future, my house gonna be small and pathetic, while the computer, living room and teevee gonna be huge. ^^

That's all for today I think. Reflections kind of make me feel good because I feel more peaceful and calm somehow.
I'm weird.

All I need, is a breakthrough