8:53 AM | Sunday, January 18, 2009 | Link
oh sigh
It's going to be 9 soon, 2 hours since I woke up. Woke up very early today because I slept at 9:30 yesterday. Today gonna be a horrid day. I felt slightly feverish and my throat had a stinging pain when I swallowed. My lips have small ulcers and I begin to feel terrible. This stupid cough/sore throat has been going on for 3 weeks already, the longest in my sick period.oh sigh
Just read Meng's blog and I realised I actually FORGOT IT WAS khoon's birthday! Gosh, being so packed with everything that I can hardly remember what I'm doing actually. Everyday would be so procedural that it seems that I'm a robot.
I feel so bad.
Nevermind, I shall type my well wishes for her here anyway! And to think that my smses baoed with about 5 more days to the end of the month plan.
Neo Siew Khoon: hehhe(: You were one of my best friends in primary school and would always be. I bet you're much TALLER than me now, since I shrunk and you seem to be growing non-stop. "the finger" would always appear when I "offended" you somehow right! haha. I'm still scared of tickles I suppose, how lousy. All the best to the recovery of your knee, and may it turn stronger everyday! Take good care of it, if not you'll have regrets like me. (I've turned into an old woman before I even reached 50!)
Goodlucks for basketball and hope that the constant pressure and high expectations from your coach do not diminish the passion you have for basketball(:
I've a rough idea of what I wanna write for the cell analogy but I'm stuck somewhere.
Damn, I'm always STUCK.