8:05 PM | Monday, January 05, 2009 | Link
School reopen
I didn't really looked forward to this but neither was I feeling boh-chap. It was neutral I guess, but I can't figure out why I only slept for 2 hours that friday morning. The homecoming was great I suppose, since I couldn't see it from the back of the hall but the effort is commendable(:School reopen
I just found the talks slightly littleee bit boring. But, what can you expect anyway?
Watched teammies ball and did 2 sentences of duhougan for 2 hours and bus-ed 158 to Serangoon. Felt like shit on the way back. I wonder if it's some psychology or what, but I felt as if I was going to throw up but the food was just stuck at the oesophagus or something. Stomach felt as if there were insects flying around.
Wanted to take a nap to numb the disgusting nausea (right word? o.o) but the stupid metal box near the window had hinges which caused my head to knock right straight to it when the bus braked. Yawned till I cried. -.-
I think the passengers must have been thinking I was insane.
Saturday was the first training I had since the 2 weeks of potato-couching at home. Just a few sprints and I felt my legs giving way. The muscles were aching and practically screaming for a break. Rest of the training was ok(:
Thankk youuu comint. Ah, you brought the (3kg) knee guard for so many trainings but I didn't use it for like a second! ): ey. I felt bad.
My fat legs can't even squeeze into the knee guard.
Today was fine. Social etiquette workshop was a waste of time because I knew most of the things said. The only thing I learnt was the 45 degree "WOMANLY" standing posture.
Actually, I think all women on earth know about social etiquette and graces just by looking, learning and exposure. However, it's whether they want to make it a point to commit themselves to go through the trouble of being polite and bringing themselves well.
Well, I for one, hate going through trouble.
So I can't walk nicely, sit nicely, and ends up doing everything that I want and like. I know I gonna regret this someday.
ANYWAY, life is full of regrets, so why bother. zzz.
Homeworked with jingmei, jacob and fraser after school. I don't think it was successful but it was better than going home early... I just don't like going home. Sigh. I wish I had a part time job which allowed me to work whenever I wanted.
Had fun chatting about everything. And jacoblim, grass jelly isn't cow dung. Lol.
Which reminds me, I just signed up being a volunteer at the Sengkang Community Library with Meng. She has some M.I.P. or some gay project which requires her to clock 30 hours of CIP involvement within 20 weeks.
I kind of like the idea of being a library volunteer though, cos I can read, shelve books and most importantly, I won't sweat cos it's air-conditioned.
And the library is so smallll that it wouldn't really be a hassle I think.
I shall not be late for tomorrow and let jingmei wait for me cos it will GUFU ta. haha. (: