7:19 PM | Tuesday, February 24, 2009 | Link
Checked my mails and uncovered two super cool emails.cool(:
One is on the innovating and brilliant advertisements and they're kind of cool(:
Some are a little uninteresting and will make you go HUH? but I think it's brilliant anyways.

nice smile there manz.

aha, if only they made one for basketball.

cool(: a bread for a pillow. then I can practically sleep EVERYWHERE.

ewww. hahas

I think this guy's cool. It's like matrix and some cool guy save the world yay.

sexy(: and it kind of fits huh?

skipping's nice. Used to slim down through that and grow super TALLL. The current me is too fat so I can hardly jump fast. and the new skipping rope isn't nice cos it whacks me.

haha. I think this needs sick people to understand lols(: But it's straight to the point

woah. if that really happened, nobody would take photos already ><

cool hair(: like daomingsi in meteor garden.

BANG! drive carefully!
goodness, imagine if something LIKE THAT really happened.....

Hair removal. In case you didn't get it.
And you know what, it's effective ^^

I don't get this.

Weightlifting(: Not very funny or whatever though.

Hahas, so that's it. It's amazing how people can be so creative and smart.
Another one.
Holiday Fun. Amazing yet scary places to go for a holiday:
Grand Canyon

Although I don't have any aspirations to like give birth, get married, carry grandsons, I wanna travel round the world and eat good food(:
Getting fat is another question by then.



nevermind, insurance isn't bought for nothing yea(:

How come architectures could be so pretty?