11:52 AM | Monday, March 16, 2009 | Link
A day out
Shopped the entire afternoon yesterday at Suntec, searching for my birthday present. I ended up with a LG R410 lappy which looks like this:A day out

Thanks DAD(: for actually going to the IT show on Saturday to squeeze with the people and hardly being able to see anything and for spending soooo much money on my unnecessary materialistic wants(:
Hahs, I was joking that since he got me a portable hard disk last year and a lappy this year, my birthday present next year should be more expensive right? a house or a convertible maybe? :D
Nahs, shan't be greedy. Content is a virtue. It's usually easier said than done though
The way the whole payment for the laptop sucked. Queued up to pay, then queued for another hour to collect the laptop. It took a long time because they had to upgrade the ram from 2gb to 4gb (for free^^).
I queued for half an hour, then gave up and went to sleep on the staircase nearby. By the time I woke up, my lappy was collected yay(:
I was telling my mum that it feels so weird to think that I'm actually 15 already. 15 is this age which is in the middle of being a child and a teenager. Any older would be deem as old and any younger would be seen as a growing stage. That's how I perceive it, and it definitely scares me when I think of the responsibilities I've to shoulder and the goals I've to attain in the future. I hate being burdened and my carefree take on many stuffs gonna put me in the disadvantage.
Last tuesday, my aunt, uncle and cousin came down to celebrate my birthday. As I just came back from training, I had to take the pictures in my jersey cos they had to rush home.... So weird hehs :/ My mum bought the cake from Secret Recipe when she went to Johor to shop. It looked plain but inside, it was creamy and crunchy with nuts. I prefer the chocolate cake though. Creamy and THICK chocolate oozing out after every bite. AHHH.

Rachel, Rene and Weiwen were terribly wet. I was contemplating if I should join them because I my knee hurt like shit when it comes into contact with water. But after Yvonne (the super high GPA woman) told me that the chlorine in the swimming pool won't do any harm since it is used to kill germs in the swimming pool, I JUMPED IN AND HAD FUN :D
Did "sit-ups" in the pool and did some 僵尸 walk.
Ate alotalotalot of food,thanks to the juniors who stood before the tremendous heat to barbecue the food. Hahas, their dajie will help them see if the food is already cooked anot. Chatted with the juniors, cut the cake and basically, that was it.


Heys birthday girl, smile more often kays. Don't stay so solemn all the times, though it's good to be reflective and ponder over many things in life. It's your birthday, so let go and have fun(:
Hahas, hope you enjoy the book that our whole team got for you. According to Rachel, you'll enjoy it since it's dog-related, though the dog will curse and go eff-ing around and scolding people sons of bitches (it makes sense anyways)
It was heartwarming to see your get together and being a team, overcoming the barriers and cliques your had last year(: All the best for cdivs people
Ahh, have been spending an hour on this post, and doing I-don't-know-what. shall go lunch. MUGMUG with Chan tomorrow. :D
I don't get the LA Assignment, how?