8:15 AM | Sunday, March 29, 2009 | Link
Manymany things happened this week, ever since the school reopened. To think of it, I've actually survived the week of turmoil and fatigue, although I tried my best to sleep longer and have better quality sleep.STRONGER
The junior's match was wonderful. They played super well and I felt sosososohappy watching them improve and pawn the opponents(: Nevertheless, they deserved it, cos those were the fruits of their labour. :D
Met up with Meng, Khoon and Jas on friday after French. Caught up on alotalot of stuffs and gossiped about almost everything under the sun. It's so nice gathering with long-lost friends whom I've lost touch with (for like 5 months?) It's nice to have a social circle outside school cos you know you can count on them whenever you feel like spilling out your problems but not really letting them know who the exact person is.
Anyways, the laughters and joy made me miss primary school once more. Those times when studies was actually on the top of our priority list. Remember those rebellious times when we ganged up against a new teacher and (he even requested to not teach our school the following year)! Getting what we wanted and proving that he was wrong when he really was (although there were times when he was, but we won nevertheless(: ) really made us bond as an entire class. The entire incident made the teachers and principal take notice of us, and they came and gave uncountable lectures....
AHH. reminiscence is so nice.
Note to Chan: see, it's reflection, not emotional thoughts!(:
Hmmm I've a picture of a super nice cake which made my day on 18.03.09. That was how long ago I wanted to blog.
There's cappucino cream in the cheese and the base is made up of a thick layer of chocolate(:

Yesterday was mugmugmug day by myself at Hougang KFC. There was much emotional turmoil for me before that but after chatting with laoshi and chan, I felt much better. currently, I'm feeling nothing already cos I need to mugmugmug later again! D:
Seriously, I wonder what's your problem. If I made you feel uncomfortable, YOU TELL ME, instead of going around telling people how fake I am. If being who I am was wrong to start with because it made you feel that I seemed too nice (which you obviously felt that it was different from the real evil horrible unfriendly me), then I really have nothing to say. I thought you knew that the world is made up of many types of people and everyone cannot possibly live up to your low standards... You want people to be the same as you; the two-faced, jealous monster who stands on her toes and pin-points every little insignificant mistake made by others. You made me realise that it doesn't pay to put in effort in fixing broken relationships. You wanted to know what was wrong so I told you. You broached the topic first when I already decided to close the messenger window. You seemed genuine, so i fell for it. I struggled alotalot that night when I pondered about how I would bring my points effectively across to you without being disturbingly insensitive to your emotions. Clinging onto the fact that everyone deserves a chance and the thought that maybe we were too one-sided and unforgiving proved how stupid I was. Everyone was questioning my action and asked me if I was just plain dumb or stupid, but I just shrugged those questioning and disapproving looks off with a smile and thought that you might prove them wrong one day and then, I would be proven right. Those were the naive thoughts I had, until now.
I can't say I hate you cos I don't feel any hatred, so I not gonna do the simplest way to vent my supposed anger by going around bitching about you. It isn't me, and I won't change because I don't think it'll make me feel any better. Since I might still glance at you one more time if you were to cry or be in pain, which probably means that I might get disappointed once again if I were to ever walk over and ask if you're fine, I gonna distance myself from you. You're just this dangerous prick which goes around bursting people's bubbles, and even if you don't manage to do so, you'll still cause pain. But you know what, you won't be able to understand emotions such as sadness, embarrassment and true joy and happiness.
Thanks to you, my belief that helping people despite the trouble I go through will make me feel happy in the end, was proven wrong.
I know I must always look at things from a different perspectives, so I should see the whole incident in different light, to make myself feel better.
my heart is damaged damaged damaged.
how are you going to fix it fix it fix it.
I must thank you for teaching me to become stronger and how to cope with disappointment. So if one day I realise that I failed a test or I realised I've been badmouthed again, i would feel NOTHING.
Thanks alot, because I've attended an invaluable life lesson, which came by free-of-charge. You didn't charge me a fee, and for that, I gonna thank you for being so generous because you took away other things such as my time and effort, which worthed more than money.
And you know what, you're a joke.
woah, I typed for more than 45 minutes already. off my time target manz.
Next week gonna be maths common test and french control. GOODLUCKS everybody(: don't let your efforts go to waste.
i just remembered that there's tingxie tomorrow but I don't have the chinese textbook with me. argh. my tingxie used to be super good in primary school so I gonna continue with the record hahas.