5:23 PM | Monday, March 02, 2009 | Link
When I was travelling on bus 158, with music blasting in my ears and glancing at the relatively old HDB flats, I had a different emotion which I never had before. It's beyond description and it's kind of stupid to say that I didn't feel like that in the past when I took 158. In the past, the time was spent chatting with jingmei or something. Or sleeping, probably

Ahh, and the sky was surprisingly nice for an afternoon. Sunny, but not humid either. It was a nice balance and I felt like going to the beach. Enjoying the breeze brushing across your face and experiencing the breathtaking sunset. It has been a long time since I went to a nice non-polluted beach and I've never ever waited for a sunset before. Witnessed a sunset in Taiwan before, but it was after climbing a super long hill and realising that the sun was partially covered by clouds, so it wasn't that pretty anymore): That was probably the dumbest thing ever. The nicest beach I went to was the one in Australia. It was super pretty; the sky was crystal clear and the sand was so fine.

Today was a super fast day, which started with Chinese Test. Kind of horrible :X Then it was ACE, and we watched the film Hotel Rwanda. It is frightening to witness how humans destroy and murder each other so viciously without even feeling any sense of guilt or remorse.

It rained just now. Terrible weather nowadays D: