12:12 PM | Sunday, April 12, 2009 | Link
Everything's down
Haven't been online for days, since my internet was down.
The past week was an arduous, emotional one for me. Many things occurred, and sudden rushes of emotions just flooded my thoughts and I was left there standing alone, wondering what in the world was happening to me.
Sorry for the sudden moodiness, although I made sure i regained my normal self after a while. It's tiring to put on a fake front, so that you won't affect the emotions of people, but I always try my best yeah.

Am at the Bishan library now. Wanted to mug and stuffs but I just only managed to research the negative effects of peer pressure. Everything is so screwed and lagging behind time. Sigh, I guess i can still manage it somehow. Just got to make sure I've ample rest and a sufficient intake of fruits(: Bananas and apples.
Yoga tonight(: That's probably the only hour everyday whereby I'll relax, but sweat it out.

Training yesterday wasn't good or bad either. bad cos I really really lost my ball touch, but good cos I tried regaining my shooting feel and I sweated kinda lots(:
Mugged with crystal at Marine Parade library and it was kinda effective I suppose. Gossiped a little while she accompanied me to wait for my dad. Ahaas, LENGTH. >< (just a private joke which I shared with her.)

I think I'm falling sick. Woke up in the middle of the night to realise I had a runny nose. Spent around 15 minutes in the toilet trying to sneeze it out and ended up with one red nose. Thank god the library isn't really cold and I've my thick sweater to keep me warm. And I need not rush to nearby Macs or libraries for the internet, cos the wireless connection at home is done already(:
I'm wondering what's wrong with my body nowadays. It's so confusing and I can't really understand what's wrong. When I slept more the previous day, I feel more tired the next day. When I don't have enough sleep, I'll get cranky and moody at the start of the day.
Tell me, what's best for me?

Sigh. Tomorrow's Monday again. I've to start embracing the new week again. I just wish there was a day whereby I could just take a walk by the beach to enjoy the warm breeze. Then after that, I'll lie on the beach to stare at the sky, while waiting for the sun to set. I gonna witness a sunrise/sunset one day.
That whole day would have nothing to do with homework, projects, assignments and deadlines to meet. Then, I'd have relaxed the entire day and I would have the mood to start embracing the never-ending list of necessary requirements I've to meet.

Maybe it's wishful thinking? I don't know.
Maybe I'm just thinking too much, thinking that I'm the sad, stressed one here when everyone is experiencing the same thing, except they manage to look at it from different perspectives.