10:35 PM | Tuesday, May 12, 2009 | Link
yeah, breathe slow is like a super nice song. I know I'm like darn freaking lag but ohwells, i'm stuck with this song, till now :DBREATHE SLOW
Training was fine lahs. Just that we kana kicked out which isn't a very good thing. But ohwells, when people decide to fume and get pissed, we can't really stop it, can we, just like how we suddenly got hyper and zihigh.
stayed back awhile to shoot and read a little.
I DECIDED to add chinchow to my list of favourite drinks(:
Changed seats to the middle manz. Siao one, so squeezy and the people behind are like shorter than me. Then tabs had to pass a note to me to request to switch places but the problem was that mrs tan felt that the new seating arrangement would make learning more conducive for us.
sigh. still dozed off in maths although i abit paiseh to sleep now. and I'm so used to dumping all my stuffs on the table behind me ):
Changes suck when you don't get what you want.
Friendships change, everything does. It's so complicated manz.
And rae just introduced this website to me and it's like super hilarious..
"Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poke me in the ribs and cackle, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals."
got to go do maths and chem already. sigh.
nvms, tomorrow gonna be better(:
HAPPY 15TH jas!(:
stay happy kays, and don't get too stressed up. I dont think you'll read this anyways, but I DON'T TALK LIKE A FLOWER lol.
and 梦, ahhas, thanks for the sweet little mention at your blog yeah. No lahs, you should see the date of the post. Just sudden pangs of sadness, nothing de lah. NO BIG DEAL :D
just feel like spitting all the shit out to my blog, those who feel uncomfortable can just shoo rights(: we should really catch up sometime manz. take care yeah(:
&miss those times.