11:10 PM | Sunday, May 24, 2009 | Link
Just realised that my blog was actually quite dead. Time passes really fast.revive
EDS night yesterday, kinda nice at the back, with Mr Ken's monologue and the encore. The drama was kinda boring and the dances were o.o abit. ahas. but overall, it was nice(:
Interclass's great now. hahas, I must admit that the lots are wonderfully drawn and we're lucky. Heard that 3I wasn't really happy cos we were rough and stuffs. Not really going to say sorry cos if the referee blowed for the fouls of both sides, it's really fair. And during the first 5 mins of the first quarter, my class was blowed for fouls like crazy yeah.... If there are really any complaints right, ohwells, basketball is supposed to be kinda rough i suppose. Sorry if I smacked/elbowed/or did any rough actions to anybody. :/ Hope everything still remains friendly after interclass and that there weren't be any stupid interclass feud.
the match with 3D was fun hahas. enjoyed it alotalot and it was super relaxed(:
played ball with some yr4 guys with crystal after interclass. it wasn't really super fun, but the guys were kinda funny I suppose :/
Wonderful dad decided to fetch me after his game, so I ended up practising my shots.
sigh, school starts tomorrow and i haven't really done much besides filing my worksheets. DAMN IT.
interclass tmr, goodlucks everybody(:
You really changed okays. You dont realise it but I do. we're the alternative solution for your boredom. eff it okays. at least i don't think i'm that insignificant. please learn to treat the people around you properly, and appreciate their existence. they aren't lackeys or dogs that follow you around and for you to boss around just when you feel like it.
I just gonna shut up until I cannot take it any longer. Seriously I think people deserve better treatment. You changed, and ohwells, only some people can see it.