9:32 PM | Sunday, June 28, 2009 | Link
I still remember this as my msn display message for some time. Anyway, it carries a different meaning now. Hmmm, inspiration from 2 songs on itunes shuffle... but besides that, i think i have a different perspective to everything now.

My uncle just had a conversation with my mum and we just listened. I think office politics are scary. How can you harm or sabotage someone when everyone is in the same team, working towards a common goal? it really surprises me and i think I'm kinda naive and stupid in a way, thinking the world is full of rainbows, clouds and fairies... It's kind of dumb isn't it?

I think my mum's brewed chrysanthemum is wonderfully nice(: At first, I found it dilute but it's actually just nice; not too sweet or too concentrated. hehehe.
Was reading the book Rachel lent me and was wondering about alot of things. This book is about a 24 year old woman who bothers too much about her father and thinks every woman is not qualified or isn't fit to be her father's second wife (her mother died). Then she has certs but just lies around at home, supposedly trying to help her father, but is actually controlling and ruining his life, instead of finding a job like what people her age should do. She ruins the relationships and tries to get the girlfriends and her father to break up......
Haven't finish reading the book so I don't know how it continues.

Anyway, I was reading up till the part where she is thrown out of her house and is alone, and broke and stranded, having no direction in life..... then I was wondering, I'm 15 now, a decade later.... what would I be doing?
It's kind of early to think about all these kind of stuffs but come to think of it, 2 and a half years passed just like that. What have I been learning? I really can't recall anything. Have I achieved anything or did anything that made me feel really reall proud? Nopes, no shit.

Feeling kind of dumb now. Reflections really make you ponder alot. Especially late at night, when you're blasting music and the rest of your family is sleeping with the doors closed. My mum was telling me that if I wanted to avoid office politics, I've to be some high-ranking person, but I've to have high EQ and treat my subordinates nicely blahblahblah.

A long journey..... walking it my way?

I'm kind of scared to grow up now. I remember what someone once told me before. When you're young, probably at around 10 years old, and you see big sisters and brothers wearing fashionable stuffs, you want to grow older and show that you're mature and cool. When you're around 15, you look up to models and stars, and start going crazy over materialistic stuffs..... buying things and shoving them aside after a day or two.... When you're 20 and it hits upon you that you've to start being independent and you have to start considering you future prospects, you start having regrets. When you see jobs that require certs which you don't have, you start regretting not studying hard or continuing a certain course. All the crap and regrets start coming out, although you know you can't do anything.

Argh... shit manz. holidays are supposed to relax, not reflect. kana sai.
Anyways, I aint supposed to go to school until AYG ends, since I'm a Liaison Officer hahaha. Thanks loads to Chan who gonna help me collect and hand up my homework(: thanksloadswithlotsoflove manz. Gonna go to your house to collectcollect my work.
And since I don't have to attend school tomorrow, I'm sleeping real late today and acting as if holidays are still here. History is still dangling in the air. Oh gawd I just remembered, my bio pop quiz HOW.

I think I'm quite weird. I was dreading school but when I found out I wasn't supposed to go school because of my involvement in AYG, I was like: HUH how. I want to go school. :/

Aiya whatever. Anyways, statue by lil eddie is nice(: jacob's recommendation hah. zzz, I thought I would be quite 'faithful' and addicted to Takin' back my love manz. Hey yo! by Brooke Hogan is good too.

Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY 段梦! I know you hate people calling you that but hahahas, it's quite nice lo! That night out with you was great, although we only ate subway and ended up sitting in some weird corner and having everyone who walked past us look at us with some weird expression. Take care okays. Things don't always go our way but I suppose embracing it our way is what makes the difference(: