12:40 AM | Monday, June 15, 2009 | Link
if only. time could stop.
yeah it's 12:30 and I"m supposed to be pigging in bed but I wonder why I"m so energised. Tomorrow's training and I suppose I'll zonk out tomorrow night(:if only. time could stop.
Went to buy stuffs and stone abit in the library today. The weekends were spent on nothing. GOnna go for some flu jab on tuesday in case we kana H1N1 from the AYG athletes, which is quite unlikely, but ohwells, since it's free, I don't see why not. Just hope that I"ll be STRONG ENOUGH in case some dumbass fever come attack me, leaving my head heavy like some millions of kg metal.
Went to Crystal's house alot of times this week hahah. Balled at KCC then swam at her house. Her swimming pool is nice can. However, it was a wrong move to swim alone at her house at around 3pm. It was scorching HOT and I NEARLY DIED. Swam for around 20 laps then I got lazy so I ended up lazing in the pool. If not for the instructor and his SPIDERMAN-TURNED-BROKENMAN joke, I would have slept for around 10 mins.
Seeing those young little cute ones swim felt super nice. Made me recollect the times 8 years ago when I first took up swimming in primary one. I was the youngest in the class, and the rest were at least primary 6 and older. Naturally, I was the slowest, and I felt the immense pressure everytime the coach asked us to jump into the pool. Andand, he didn't even gimme a damn encouragement. Always said I was the slowest (like harlos, short legs and small lungs = tadpole in a pool of frogs right) and expected me to hit the same targets. And since the guys' legs were always longer, they always kick my FACE and the pool was full of PEOPLE so I could just lag behind awhile so I dont get to smell the aroma of their feet.
However, I suppose the fact that I kept pushing myself further and making myself overcome the limits, allowed me to grow taller quite quickly. Cos I heard swimming allows you to lengthen your limbs or something hahaha.
Then when I moved house the following year, I stopped taking up swimming lessons. For don't know what reason, I took swimming up again in early 2005, to take the gold award or something. This time I got a FEMALE coach and she was SUPERRR nice. Abit too lenient at times but soon, she taught me to go for perfection of swimming strokes instead of coming up and down of the pool and crazy waving of the arms in the pool for speed.
Got what I wanted by mid 2006 and I was supersuper dark thanks to the 2 hours under the sun at 12pm when I went for the test.
Kinda regret not taking up swimming already. Having a coach really pushes you to the limit I suppose. And it's the only sport that has the least injuries because you don't even have contact to the ground.... and YOU won't feel hot cos you don't sweat. I mean, you'll feel kinda cool(:
ahh. oh, back to the small cuties. Seeing them breathe in and out is super funnny hahaha. They're like panting and look like small fishes swimming in and out. No offence though. They're super adorable. Probably only 5-9 years old.
I guess I like children(: But seriously cant stand those who CRY AND CRY after you gave them everything possible on earth. Cry for milk, food, or because their diapers are soiled with their faeces or something. Dirty job eh, but when they grow up and have chubby cheeks, you'll feel like pinching the cheeks and see them jumpjumpjump about.
2 more weeks.
Kinda dread going back to school. I mean, although I get to see classmates and stuffs and probably have more things to laugh about, I don't really fancy having a whole pile of homework and responsibilities. It's very tiring and trying. Putting on a smile because I've to.... it sucks. Sometimes I wish I could just hide behind somebody and walk.
IDMI IDMI IDMI. oh kana saiz.
my knee feels heavy. screw it. i hate chronic injuries.
ahh. some big bug just dropped. the sound is spooky. grabbed a piece of newspaper and squashed it flat before squeezing it and crushing the paper and throwing it away. sounds gross, but sorry bug, either you die or I freak out. I cant possibly pretend nothing is happening when there's some gay bug jumping about on the floor, cos it cannot fly or just cos it felt like dancing on the floor.
sorry okays, if your body is squeezed and crushed to like millions of pieces; didn't really want to do that, but I just had to make sure you're dead in case you JUMP out again, and I'll REALLY JUMP UP and erms, maybe hit you with a broom?
lol. what the hell am I doing man. haha.
shall turn in now. let's hope i get to dream tonight(: not of the dead bug of course. haven't killed one for damn long already.