4:49 PM | Thursday, June 04, 2009 | Link
Argh. It's the fourth day of the school holidays and my inconstructive way of spending them continues. :/ Damn, I hate this feeling.

Went to ball and cycle with crystal yesterday. Superr fun and nice. cycled around her house, before deciding to play at the playground. Sat on the short pathetic swings and had fun with the see-saw. The see-saw made my ass hurt. Cycled REALLL SLOWLY and decided to build sancastles while chatting until around 7:30. If only we could end the whole thing with a NICE NIGHT SWIM ahh.

Wanted to go school today but contemplated because I wasn't sure if the school library was really open. NEVERMINDs. Gonna check it out one day(:

Sometimes, I really dislike staying at home. I just wanna sleep till real late in the morning, pack my stuffs after eating breakfast, take my wallet and phone, and dash out of the house. Problem is, no money, and WHOLE Pile of stupid homework lying there for me. Andand, you need company for this kinda of stuffs right! ):

overdued pics-



EDS night:

Hahas found some real long ago pics. Since my blog looks so picture-less and full of words and boring blahblahblah, I decided to spice it up lol.
After watching the juniors' first match, we decided to be lame and began laughing over random stuffs. I think this was the time when the joke "Do you have issues?" "yes I've issues... WITH A TISSUE!" appeared.

Team pic long ago. There you go chan, the one that rae looked happy to hack my head while I look damn elated to be hacked -.-

Aha. Found these 2. Took them last year I think. All koped from jingmei haha. At a bus stop. I still remembered the lunch with qi was terrible cos we ended up walking for around 3 bus stops when that girl thought she overshot her bus stop, when we actually alighted too early -.-



Sigh, I think I gonna go shower and start on my work. Everyday is just so mundane. I want to swimmmmm (NOT TAN, CHANSOU). Anyone?