9:11 AM | Monday, June 01, 2009 | Link
Start of a month
The June Holidays are finally here but I don't feel it's a rest for any of us. June Holidays are just an excuse to bury us in homework and stress.
I shall attempt not succumbing to stress!

Interclass 2009 ended in a good note, with L'Amour clinching second. We led the match with 6 points and Rae told me that their class actually gave up then. Sian. Yiling the crazy one scored 4 points, and that was all it needed to boost their team morale, and leading them to win the match with an eventual score of 18-14.
Ran to a corner to gather my emotions. Ended up crying not because we lost, but because of disappointment in myself. Disappointed at myself for being unable to stay calm and continuously fouling people just to win. Disappointed at myself for being unable to get a simple layup in, disappointed at myself for venting my frustrations at my teammates, disappointed at myself for unable to meet my own expectations.... disappointed at alot of things.
However, after just around 15 minutes of reflections, I was okays already. Just got to pick myself up don't I? (:

Went back to the bball court and was greeted my L'amourians. Sweet Sabrina gave me a chocolate waffle, Charmaine the tallie treated me to a drink, and I forgot-who gave me a choco. Thanks to everybody who supported us to the end, although I bet your were slightly disappointed. :/

GPA is screwed. Really deproved but I was super surprised my parents hardly said anything. Just said that I could attain better results if I actually studied. Ohwells, I did study, after school and stuffs, but I always sidetrack. :/ Didn't really care about little tests so I guess this is what I get. I shall work harder manz.

Met with Khoon, Meng, Jas and zhan yesterday. Lovely way to start the june holidays. Had dinner together at IKEA and ended up stoning at Khoon's house. Zhan had to leave halfway and the four of us stayed over at her house, talking and talking till we zonked out at 3.
Thanks to: Khoon for her lap and shoulder for me to sleep on :D Thanks for stoning there for one entire hour in the same position, just so that you won't wake me up of my sleep manz. The sleep was superbly comfortable.
Jas for her shoulder as my PILLOW. I bet my head was heavy and uncomfortable. :/

Had Macs for breakfast and the rest of the morning was spent stoning and slacking. Nevertheless, the sense of closeness and bonding was back again(:

It's so amazing how we can actually keep in touch. I know many people don't actually care about primary school friends, but I'm so glad we can talk about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING under the sun. We can discuss about family problems, friendship problems, although we hardly know who the person is. Consolation comes so easy and encouragement actually comes through sarcasm. Our well-wishes for the other party are pure and innocent, nothing but just us hoping for the best and everything going smoothly for everybody.

(: Bus-ed back with Meng and chatted a little. Take care kays, stay strong. Although not voicing out your displeasure may be your way of doing things, but no matter what, to some, that may be an act of submission. Sometimes, we should not keep everything bottled up inside us, although being too direct will probably spoil relationships. We may think that we're thinking too much, and we're probably just being paranoid and unreasonable, but we must always remember that we deserve to be immature at times. Growing up is a process, but we do not need to rush it(:

Starting off at a good note, let's hope it ends well.