11:45 AM | Wednesday, June 24, 2009 | Link
Takin' Back My Love
Wonderful nice addictive song(: By Enrique Iglesias feat Ciara. hahahha. Just love the chorus.

Yesterday was fruitful. Went to school early in the morning to collect the AYG polo tees and pass. Mugged bio till juniors came to chat and eat instant noodles. Went to qi's house to teach her maths and ended up chatting in the swimming pool. Her dad cooks wonderfully i tell you(:
Argh why is my com lagging.

Anyways, when I went home, which was around 9:45, my ears nearly went deaf. Aiya, I know it's kind of irresponsible not to inform them about where I'm going and the time I would be coming home.... but, I mean, I think I can take care of myself okay? And it's not as if I go out EVERYDAY during the holidays. There were times when I stayed at home and mugged and I was being a veryvery good girl. I'm that kind of girl who loves to stay outside, even if I'm stoning at the bball courts at Kembangan CC and aint doing anything.

Seriously, I wonder at times, why people can really strive to do their very best at their studies and stay so persistent and focused. When I get bad results, I tell myself, I will study hard and blahshit. Then when the school day ends and I see people balling at the courts, I will change to a PE shirt and start playing till my dad fetches me home.

Shit with self-control and self-discipline.
when you're doing your very best and end up tired, you'll ask yourself, who and what are you doing this for?
Can't we just take walks at the beach forever and do anything we want forever? I mean, a few more years and I have to start planning for my future and start slogging my life out for pathetic shitty money.
I'm enjoying my life okays. They think I'm just being unreasonably rebellious but heys, look at other girls at my age. You don't see them spending their time at basketball courts; they always end up at some expensive branded shop, spending their time changing clothes and buying make-up.

Wearing FBTs out and you say I can't protect myself cos they're so short. I feel comfortable in them and I like it so yups, that's it. Anyway my shirt is so freaking huge that I don't think it will attract any attention. Look at how the ah-lians dress and you'll know I'm so much more okay.
You gonna say that I keep comparing to the suckier ones, instead of the better ones.... but hey, how good is better? Those muggers who stay at home and finish their holiday homework by the first week of the school holidays? Or those pretty girls who help their parents cook? No way. I've a life and I gonna live it my way.

And you know what, I gonna prove to you that I can make it if I wanna put my heart into mugging hard. I know I can't achieve a shit in bball and you probablly know how much I suck too, looking at my knee injuries and my cowardice, but you know how much I love the sport right.

I thought my Dad's 3 missed calls were to niao me about why I haven't reached home, but I had a sudden thought. He probably wanted to fetch me back from school if I was still in school. AHHH. :/

Nevermind, I'm sticking my ass to the chair today and do my LA essay and complete my bio mugging. Then I still have Chinese reflections and history table to continue.... Let's hope I'll rush them in time. Eff homework. H1N1 is spreading so rapidly so we need to rest our dear tired souls and body. Burying us with homework doesn't help!
Oh, and we need to report to school at 8 on monday.

Went to Chan's house on Monday after IDMI(: Stoned alot at her house exploring her collections and went to the carpark at night. Heh, I conclude that I suck as a photographer and I shall not aspire to take nice pics cos they'll fail HORRIBLY.








I'm TALL! zzz, aint growing anymore. I wanna hit just 2 cm higher.higher.higher.

Long overdue pic. GG! (Gang Gathering)! :D
So tiny and smalll.... ah I look weird hahaha. Miss those times when we just sit outside the library and chiong maths together after school at around 4 plus. Then we'll laugh at everything possible but yet, homework will still be completed(:

Reminiscence is good but clinging on to the past won't help. Just have to learn to let go and go on...
Having a terrible headache now. dang. I should stop thinking, since those thoughts lead me nowhere.

Gonna go have my lunch and start on my LA essay.
Embrace a new start.