10:06 PM | Monday, July 20, 2009 | Link
Tag Replies:
Meng: Heh. Aiyo that girl is already in Japan, no use being jealous right
Charmaine: pervert...took me super long to understand that okays. I didn't know you were that pervertic manz!
Sabrina: (: hahaha.
Really pathetic.
This week passed real quickly. Okays, last week. whatever. Whatever seems to be my newest favourite word, although I know it sounds kinda rude, but whatever. lol.
Was telling chan that it was so lame and boring blogging about mundane stuffs everyday. I mean, it's just lessons and lessons..... kinda boring. I guess my life is just so mundane.
Today's Racial Harmony Day and I think F class has a traditional of being enthu. Every year, F classes (3F and 4F) have the most number of people wearing ethnic costumes. Kinda cool if the whole class does it but individual people would look so kuku.
OH manz, i think I sound very incoherent. Shall make this short.
Went to Chan's birthday dinner last saturday. happy early birthday chansou(:

koped from her blog. zzzz, she keeps forcing me to zilian with her on her macbook webcam, though I admit the effects are nice.
No expression..... no expression. I wanna drown my sorrows, no tomorrow, no tomorrow.....
Mad world(:
I'm making no sense, like seriously. Oh dang, just so random here and there. I need to go sleep.
But there's a list of things I wanna do, although most aren't completely necessary. Just wanna account to myself and feel happier.
I found out about alot of stuffs today. It's surprising how people can be so sensitive and jealous. Why can't people just think about themselves and stop being unhappy about so many things? Sometimes, being selfish is kinda good, cos being self-centered, you only see yourself and no one else. As a result, you wouldn't let others affect your perspectives and decision-making.
Picking on everything and anything is stupid. Sometimes, you think that by picking on others or finding faults with them, you're "organizing" or "shelving" your friends, making your social circle clearer and therefore better for yourself, but ohwells, i think it's just wrong. Just closing one eye and doing whatever you like to your heart's content, isn't it much better?
I always remind myself that if dislike and hatred actually exist that much that you keep mentioning it, you're actually showing that the person or event weighs so much in your heart that you actually bother, which is kinda ironic right?
Why bother? Why?
Ah, I make sense.
oh manz I don't now.
Go sleep lah ass.
what the shit am I talking about. neverminds.
The ban on CCA has been lifted(: Exercise and remove those fats.... so I'll feel happier when I go for buffets and stuffs. Intake = output(:
4:02 PM | Saturday, July 11, 2009 | Link
Charmaine, Chan: heee. Gonna be back soon lahs :D wait for me kays. with a banana and coffee shake!replies
duanmenghao: lol you make it sound quite mushy manz. Quite a good pick-up line i think. ANYWAYS, yups, i suppose we just have to embrace it(: Being fearful doesn't help at all right?
Gansyl: lol. paiseh what shit siah. swim tgt next time lo, although I'll end up slacking and soaking in chlorine.
3:29 PM | | Link
I have a 7 day mc, but looking at my speedy recovery, I doubt I need it, considering my speedy recovery(:sick
Was down with terrible fever on thursday, slept like a pig yesterday and I'm quite okay today! Used lesser tissues and the cough is getting better.
I guess I shall slack today and when I'm feeling better tomorrow, I'll begin doing my work and getting ready for school on monday.
AYG ended liaos. Ok, it ended last week and I'm just a lagger but ohwells. I didn't really do anything much, except watching many entertaining basketball matches :D I think 3 on 3 is not as fun as 5 on 5 leh.

Thanks loads to Sabrina who woke up super early to send the athletes off with me(:
The bballers are TALL. and supersuper zai.

Celebrated Laura's birthday(:
Gonna go take a nap already, and I hope my temperature will hit below 37 degree Celsius, to be on the safe side. shall eat a banana before that haha. it's kinda windy outside, just nice for a ride on the bicycle, but no, i just had to be sick at this time. -.- damnit.