3:29 PM | Saturday, July 11, 2009 | Link
I have a 7 day mc, but looking at my speedy recovery, I doubt I need it, considering my speedy recovery(:
Was down with terrible fever on thursday, slept like a pig yesterday and I'm quite okay today! Used lesser tissues and the cough is getting better.
I guess I shall slack today and when I'm feeling better tomorrow, I'll begin doing my work and getting ready for school on monday.

AYG ended liaos. Ok, it ended last week and I'm just a lagger but ohwells. I didn't really do anything much, except watching many entertaining basketball matches :D I think 3 on 3 is not as fun as 5 on 5 leh.


Thanks loads to Sabrina who woke up super early to send the athletes off with me(:
The bballers are TALL. and supersuper zai.


Celebrated Laura's birthday(:

Gonna go take a nap already, and I hope my temperature will hit below 37 degree Celsius, to be on the safe side. shall eat a banana before that haha. it's kinda windy outside, just nice for a ride on the bicycle, but no, i just had to be sick at this time. -.- damnit.