8:14 PM | Monday, August 17, 2009 | Link
I feel great, after sweating and having fun this afternoon. At first, it was kinda hothot (when I mean hot, I mean REALLYYY hot) and irritating, but after we went to play captain ball with the AWC peeps and 2-on-2 with some china peeps, I felt much better(:
I only wished that the guys didn't really care about the fact that they were playing with girls. Shit them siaz, basketball is supposed to be physical; it isn't as if we don't understand right. :/ hate it. If I could put on a mask and turn to a guy instantaneously, I definitely would. PRFT.

Symposium was fine. Although some presentations simply made people go HUH?! O.O, I guessed I learnt some stuffs. All the effort in the few minutes of presentation is definitely worth noticing. And I kinda feel bad when I'm drifting away and not exactly paying attention, cos you'll feel crappy when you're presenting and people are just resting their heads on their hands and showing many signs that they're BORED. REALLY BORED.
I would definitely choose symposium over lessons so there's nothing much to complain, is there?

Saturday was great fun. Went to get some bursary thingacious and supported my dad at his company's inter-department table tennis match. It's surprising how veterans can play well and they're as fit as those 10 years younger than them. I suppose skill is what allows people to become better players and reach even higher and greater heights. Therefore, the saying that improvements have no limits and boundaries, is definitely true. I think, the desire to beat yourself and achieve something you never once imagined you could, is what propels people forward, even when they're fatigued and feel like giving up.
Psychology is so unimaginable but yet, I think it's very powerful and controlling. It inspires, yet if wrongly used, it can corrupt the purest minds and result in drastic changes.
Reflection of the day(:

My dad's colleague asked me if I felt bored since I stayed at the place for 2 straight hours, and I gave a quick reply of NOPES. Then I was wondering why I didn't feel bored, and really, my answer was sincere and definitely not patronising. I really find it fascinating how a small little pingpong thing can move so fast, and how people's reactions can be so quick and so many different moves can be executed in that split second.
And when I really concentrate in watching people play, I get really absorbed.

Told my teammies and chan before; people'll probably think I'm huachi-ing when they see me observe people balling. totally wrong impression cos I aint even looking at the face right; looking at the torso and below (hahah sounds wrong/: )

I'm really kinda addicted to Straight Through My Heart by Backstreet Boys now. Nice song.
Got to go bathe now. Stinky poo...
And mug chinese tingxie wth. -.-

Looking forward to 28 hahah. Planplanplan!
Chan>> hahah whatever man. Sianz, if people just said HI, I also shuang. My tagboard is pathetic/:
Annoymous Lols I can roughly guess who you are and yups, updated(: