10:47 PM | Tuesday, August 11, 2009 | Link
after a long rest
Haven't been updating lately..... busy with tests and trainings.....after a long rest
Just chionged my 名句精华 (ming ju jing hua if you can't see those teeny weeny chinese words) just now and I gonna chiong physics tmr. Then chiong history also. OH MANZ. life sucks when everything is not on schedule.
Spent so much time slacking my ass off during the holidays, so I'm really kinda screwed now.
Hmmmm, nothing really happened much these few weeks. Oh, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to qi and crystal lolol. and early birthday wishes to rae. heh, I'll try to remember to get the black shoelaces.
28th of august is coming soon(:
This Saturday gonna be a good rest day for me cos I'll have a nice brunch and have fun supporting my dad in his inter-company table-tennis match(:
So many things to look forward to, so I suppose those nice feelings can erase my headache over tests.
Celebrated my bro's birthday yesterday. Ohwells, still forgot about the birthday present; I think I'm really hopeless.
Forget it.
I just ain't cut for being nice to people. Just one mean asshole who forgets everyone's birthdays except hers. zzz.
Sometimes I wished birthdays need not be celebrated, so I wouldn't need to receive people's well-wishes and therefore, need not feel obliged to return those someday, some time.
Ha, as you can see, my fringe is weird cos it's too damn short and I haven't been receiving good feedbacks so far.
ah neverminds, changes are good aren't they? :D
Met up with primary school peeps during the National Day Celebration and the feeling was kinda good. We still have loads of stuffs to chat about, and had some great laughs. Many changed, and it's really sad to say that most of the changes aint positive. When I graduated from school three years ago, I did not expect such changes but they seem so natural now. Their actions are disgusting and repulsive, but I think just accepting it with a pinch of salt and understanding that this is the way they wanna people to look at them, is important.
Change, is something really scary. People say that you should change for the better and start picking on the small errors made.... everyone isn't really perfect so I always accepted the bad things that people said about me. But when people change for the worse and their mindset really begin spiraling downwards, you worry. People around me are all changing. I'm beginning to see the gradual change of my siblings and their perspectives of things. Sometimes, I notice alarming things but I choose to keep my mouth shut. I can't really judge their viewpoints based on my perspective can I?
Nothing hurts more than seeing someone spiral downwards and you can do nothing to help, but stand there watching helplessly.
ha, I'm thinking too much again.........
Oh, and i think Google Chrome rocks. After my entire com went cranky, I've learnt to take notice of those anti-spyware stuffs to kill the cookies and spywares which try to harm my dear computer.
Random rants. Okays I shall go sleep already (: