12:15 PM | Saturday, September 19, 2009 | Link
a dim spark to light up the world
Happy mid-autumn people(:a dim spark to light up the world
Although I ain't sure if people actually wish each other on such a day. It really is losing its significance, at least I think it is in my family. Those times when we would marvel at the thought of lighting those small firesticks (?) and start waving our arms in circles, trying to create nice patterns with the sparkling light. Holding lanterns only happened before I moved to Sengkang and it can only stay as something of the past. Lighting candles on the floor in one nice pretty circle was still a thing two years ago, even last year i think. Seeing those pretty little things shine real brightly in the dark gloomy night made me feel peaceful and calm. It's as if a dim spark is just needed to light up the entire world. The only trouble was clearing the candle wax and ensuring that there isn't any stained on the floor. Hate that part.
Yesterday was okay. Missed three-quarters of the celebration to attend the history workshop at Teacher's Network. Fell asleep for 15 minutes although the speaker was really eloquent and knowledgeable. Saw Teri and caught up alot, gossiping and it felt great when there wasn't no boundaries or moments of awkwardness in between as we spoke. Went back to school to see the last half of the concert at PAC before heading home.
Gonna slack tomorrow when my whole family goes to WWW. Weird choice of a day, but I don't mind taking a breather before embarking on my crazy journey of 5 weeks of mugging. Nuts.
Quiz koped from Chan's blog:
10 facts about me:
1. I hide my emotions most of the time (only show them to close friends who will accept the random PMS-es. However, I'll feel terrible when I can't decipher why I'm feeling what I'm feeling)
2. I always think too much, and no matter how things are not related to me, I try to make things better and when i don't succeed, I end up disappointed.
3. It takes a while for me to recover from disappointment, especially when I put in some effort.
4. My hormones are un-thawed (hehehe. but muscles make me S.T.A.R.E. , though bad impressions make me shudder)
5. My definition of happiness is really simple. (having enough good food, a few close friends, a target to work towards, a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment and general acceptance. Not forgetting good sleep)
6. To re-emphasize point 5, I really love sleeping. Although I know the time spent on sleeping can probably be used to do more useful stuffs like staying fit and reading, but sleeping is good. Really.
7. I love eating. Though I must always remind myself to make exercise and food proportional.
8. I always wonder what it is like to feel carefree and having no regards for anything except your own happiness.
9. I wanna witness a pretty sunset and hopefully, a sunrise one day (heh hopeful, cos I aint sure if I'll choose sunrises over pigging)
10. I really feel great when I know that people accept me for who I am (my craziness, unconscious daoness, straightforwardness, sarcasm, sensitivity and bad habits)
Took me kinda long to type out the 10 simple facts of me. And yeah, I think I should really learn how not to make mountains out of molehills and accept things as they are, though I think there's a huge difference between not brooding over things too much and accepting things at surface value.
Gonna go eat my lunch. CURRRYYYY. love it, though I'll probably have breakouts and I can totally imagine the layers of fats and volume of oil in my body): AH.
Nevermind, training will remove all of them soon. soon = 5 weeks haha.
Syl>> hahah, I ain't fungi. ohyeah! tweety bird, but why ah?