7:10 PM | Monday, September 07, 2009 | Link
i feel so full
yeah so really really full. Just had a wonderful dinner.
Hmmms, I feel kinda weird nowadays. Like I've nothing much to do. But I not gonna waste the september holidays like that. Must spend it well, or at least slack in better ways :D

No more trainings already. Kinda good, so I've more time for myself, although that probably means more potato-couching and more fats gaining.
AH, I can see my tummy.

Had a family chalet kinda long ago. Last week i think. It was great, bonding and everything(: Family time is really precious and worth cherishing, but I just really can't bother being the one taking the initiative or being more enthusiastic. Sometimes, I really feel happy and thankful for many things, but I just can't bring myself to say thankyou or 'I really appreciate it, thanks alot'. Sometimes, it's really odd how human relationships are. The closer you get, the more it seems difficult to say sorry or thankyou.
Just one stubborn mule who refuses to move her mouth, but rather stick to her so-called pathetic principles and attitude. -.-



Helped barbecue and I must say the heat IS HORRIBLE. But it feels great when you see people eating the food that you barbecued and it doesn't really taste that bad. :D At least I don't cause the food to all turn charcoal. HENG. But I can't barbecue chicken wings for nuts sake. stupid wings. There was one which was black on the outside, but when i bit it, the chicken blood came out. So it probably meant that I didn't barbecue it well enough.
Gross and disgusting, but ahh.... whatever :/

Night alone with chan felt great. Watched The Proposal and it was seriously hilarious. That stupid stripper/exotic dancer with unshaved pubic hair, AHHHHH. repulsive manz. But I had a really good laugh throughout the movie and definitely didn't sleep, something which I least expected to.

I think balling on fridays suck really alot now. There's no courts to shoot and I've to resort to loitering about. Sigh. It's so horrible now. :( Neverminds, I shall go stone in the library instead. Gonna go read the series of books written by Paulo Coelho. I think his books are really good, and it makes me think alot. Entertaining and simple too(:

Hmmms, gonna go finish the chinese compo, and bathe. Then write the stupid physics journal and pack my files. Then go online and talk to chan and continue our topic discussion(: Then watch abit of teevee here and there, slack abit, eat snacks and supper, lie here and there, and go to bed.

I really love holidays cos they give me great sleeps, with no fixed time to wake up. Good naps really change one's mood.
Okays, maybe it just applies to me cos I really love to sleep.
Why not, resting and not doing anything(: Maybe besides gaining fats. But heys, that's beyond the point!

Crystal:>> YO, wanna me to give you some pacs hahahha(: thanks yupss, enjoyed it loads. and come on, you aint fat lah -.-