10:11 PM | Tuesday, September 15, 2009 | Link
load off
Yeah. Finally finished the financial lit report. Now waiting for the printer to print it out before I fly off to moley concept.

But i don't know, I think I like this feeling of being busy until I can hardly breathe. And I'm still breathing, so it can't be that bad.
Time to list down targets and plans (:

Anyways, I came across this email and I thought it was kinda cute.
Embracing my dear childhood, and my blog seriously needs pictures and colours so yups, here they are(:
THE CARTOONS in our lives... at their current age

I think this email kinda broached the topic in a light-hearted way, but you can't help but feel wary of the speed humans are aging.
Oh and btw, the oldest woman, aged 115, passed away yesterday. Or was it the previous day? An african woman I think. Even Obama congratulated her on her 115th birthday. Really really cool.

Barbie Doll's 50th birthday:
Lolol. I was wondering who this fat ass was.

Tweety Bird is 60 years old
Lols I think this is my favourite picture. It still looks kinda cute. I used to like tweety bird alot alot. There's a framed jigsaw puzzle of it just on the wall outside my room.
I think it's baldness is adorable. lol.

FAT guy who smokes.
I seriously hate smokers, especially those who smoke pathetically stinky cigarettes. If they wanna harm themselves, I'm fine with it, but when they blow the smoke right into your face, you really feel like screaming at them. But ohwells, you can't.

What's Thor?
This shows how deprived I am.

Wonder woman (touch of menopause here)
hahah. menopause

Batman and Robin
too sick until it can't move, lmao. joke.

This is my second favourite. PAMPERS! hahah.

"Life is short, break the rules, forgive sooner, kiss slowly, laugh without control and always keep smiling!
Maybe life is not the party that we were expecting, but in the mean time, we're here and we can still dance....."

End of email(:

Kinda long since I uploaded mails, cos there hasn't been a really good one so far. Taking a break and reading such nice, inspirational mails really give my mood a lift. And it has been a long time since I watched cartoons. I remember laughing at stupid lame idiots who just stand there and get attacked.

Innocence is something once taken, it'll be long gone.