11:30 PM | Sunday, September 27, 2009 | Link
something which ceased to exist
Gonna be a really short post since I promised myself an early sleep. HEH.something which ceased to exist
EOYS are like 2 weeks later, and I really wonder how I gonna cope with it. get it over and done with, and i would be able to finally resume my pigging life. And sweat like nuts and come home really really late, who cares if I have to squeeze with so many stinking peeps on the bus (although I'm one of those contributing to the stench in the air ha)
anyways, just received a message to pass the gud lucks for eoys on, and apparently I not gonna forward it cos it's just so O.O and I've to send alotalot of people in order to get the supposedly good grade. I know it sounds stupid but I also believe in KARMA!
HAH, so anyways, good lucks okays, people. Just get through this pathetically stupid period of a month (including exams of course) and you'll be free little birds (stupid description, but that is a really apt one). And you can't possibly just slack through this period and waste the amount of energy you spent on the past year right?
At least that's how I motivate myself.
Yoga was kinda okays today, cos we didn't really sweat.
but i nidda do something about feeling stiff and pathetically unhealthily--fat.
anyways, point of this blogpost is, all the best people(:
heh, gonna go embrace my sleep now. really need it, especially when I can't help it but doze off in class.