1:31 AM | Sunday, September 13, 2009 | Link
when exhilaration is exhausted
Came back from the Computer Show at Suntec. There were heck lot of people, and I had a fun time squeezing with them hahaha. There were only 2 floors this time and I really feel nothing now. It's like, there's nothing that has great impact, and will leave a vivid impression. Everything seems to be changing so fast. Gone are mp3s, thumbdrives and dvd rws. I don't really know if this rapid change is a good thing, but it doesn't feel good when I feel so empty after walking for more than 4 hours.when exhilaration is exhausted
But my dad bought nice stuffs for me(: It's so wonderful having an ATM machine. I like it when he doesn't really question what I buy, except for niao-ing about how quickly I spoil my earpieces.
Got new earpiece, bone for my earpiece, and cooling balls for my lappy.
Have been trying to do financial literacy report for the past 3 nights but the project doesn't seem to be progressing anywhere. I finally finished the tabulations and I don't feel the usual sense of accomplishment. Man, what's happening.
Gah, was really really really tired, so I wondered how fugly tired I looked like. So I used the webcam and I discovered new stuffs hahaha. This gonna be the only time I post pics taken by my webcam kays. Chansou, not copying you! Anyways I don't have photo booth or stuffs like that :/

bubbles. hahahah. i think they're cute. imagine seeing bubbles containing memories of your loved ones floating everywhere. Love can be shared in this way(: really, it's kinda cool.

i'm tired.
Life's a picture, a drawing, anything. Sometimes, people make it seem so complicated, mysterious and difficult to comprehend, but in actual fact, it's just laid there right in front of you. Thinking too much or too little; it's always a problem.
at least for me.
I was actually feeling kinda excited and happy yesterday whenever I thought of going to the computer show today. (i wonder why, nevermind, siao one). But look at the drastic change. The feeling of something hollow and unreachable, it's so unexplainable and indecipherable.
gah, I'm tired of trying to understand everything I'm feeling.
It's time I let things go.
maybe it'll leave as naturally as it came.
Syl>>ey, the way you put it is as if i forced you to tag manz >< I didn't! ha, at least that's what I think. Leaving your footprint before you leave is gud is it? Ha, that "i'm cute you're cuter" thing is still funny when I think about it. Insider joke, not zilian about ourselves right ha.
Qi>> that woman speaks wonderful english manz. "BOOM! anything that screams ME!" ha.