10:08 PM | Tuesday, October 13, 2009 | Link
last lap
The days passed by faster than I expected, and tomorrow will be day 3 already. Man, time really passes quickly. To think I was still lamenting about how far exams were, when I was most aware that I would not have enough time if I continued procrastinating. last lap
Contradictions, as usual.
Was just thinking, how great it would be if tomorrow would be the end of exams already. Like what weixin dreams about, imagine waking up the next day to realise that examinations have come to and end. That's super shuang.
My gawd, one big fat yellow bug just dropped. Literally. Nearly died of a heart attack but that poor thing was struggling. If it could fly, I would have totally ignored it but I squashed it nevertheless. :/
ohoh, and I'm really really addicted to Te Amo by Rihanna. Like the unique bassy sound. Gonna turn in already. I need good sleep (:
Just the last lap. Many a times, between resting and enduring it to the end, we choose the former. It's the easier choice, but the consequences aren't that satisfactory, are they? Right now, slowing down or resting isn't viable anymore, because you know you want it more than anybody else.