10:55 PM | Saturday, October 10, 2009 | Link
seep through
I'm blasting Straight through my heart in the room, and ah, solitude is soothing and calm. I know it's contradictory, but I've been feeling kind of weird nowadays. Sudden mood swings and emotions going on rollercoaster rides, unexplainable and distant.

Credits to Stock Exchange.

Haven't posted pictures for really long and this purply sunset made me feel mysterious. A different queer emotion evoked.
Oh damn, I have the least idea of what I'm posting. I seem to be spamming posts like mad, as if I've loads of time to spare. :/

Today was surprisingly constructive lol. At least I finished the things I wanna. Tomorrow gonna be a long day and the battle gonna start.

I was just thinking randomly, at what age do you want to leave your house, escape the clutches of your parents, embrace the real society out there and be self-sufficient? It's not like I'm abandoning my parents or anything, cos that's another total different thing, but what I was thinking is about self-sufficiency and independence.

I know I yearn independence and freedom alotalot, that's why I really abhor my parents nagging at the late times I reach home, but I know the society is critical, harsh and unforgiving. We have been protected and life has been comfortable for us, and even if we were to fail at times, there was always our parents to cushion the fall and make it less painful. And I think it's easier said than done to climb up after the fall.

And what about tending to those bruises which will scar the past forever?
What about stereotypical thinking that the present is the reminder of the past, and if changes were not made, the past would be reflected in the future?

sian. We can't get the best of both worlds can we?

I want the best of both worlds man. Like, if people were to ask you to choose between a burger and spaghetti, why can't we just answer: I WANT BOTH! and then we'll have a yummy sumptuous meal, and everyone's happy(: I know it's a bad comparison, but I'm feeling hungry now and it's too late to cook instant noodles. OR MAYBE I CAN actually..... ha, okay I shall consider feeding that hungry bug in my tummy later. I feel great at the thought of food.

Why are we made to choose?