9:29 PM | Monday, October 19, 2009 | Link
Have been slacking my ass off the past few days and although I think I basically know most of the stuffs, I feel super unprepared.

Shouldn't have slacked like some nobody's business man. It's really hard to get my emotions and attitude back on track.
But nevertheless, last friday was real fun. Balled with Comint and Crystal, and although the environment was kinda horrible because of the lack of wind and the sultry sun, touching the ball once again felt really great. Although the touch is long gone and I'll probably take like million years to get it back again, I felt kinda carefree.... or how would you put it? Ah. Too lazy to think. Shall just express myself in baby terms.

Then met up with gang (heh) and queued for an hour or more for dinner at Ashtons. Caught up alot, laughed at little things, and felt the close bond again despite not having seen each other for months.
Must plan okay!
Definitely not me, cos you know that not only will it be a great failure, the meet-up wouldn't even be carried out :/

Gonna turn in soon, because it's the battle against physics and chinese tomorrow. Two horrible subjects which I suck at, big time.

All the best people, don't give up(:

two more days, to attaining freedom from the suffocating pressure of exams.