10:12 PM | Monday, November 02, 2009 | Link
chance upon
It's really difficult to receive reciprocation for one's commitment and have mutual understanding and trust, so why is it that when we finally manage to have things the way we always wanted it to be, we actually let them slip past our fingers that easily, as if its existence was merely a pure coincidence?
Was the process of achieving the things which we yearned for, that exciting?

It takes long to trust someone but it is easy to disappoint them by making them feel that they have had their trust misplaced. Trust can enable people to go through tumultuous times easily, because it's the strong unseen and unspoken power that is simply blinding. We don't acknowledge its existence till we witness how relationships are either made stronger or broken by it. I don't know, it is difficult to get so far, so why let those accusing assumptions change the status quo?

Ever wondered why people cry?
They could be upset, disappointed, happy, or simply, those could be crocodile tears. There can actually be so many reasons for a single action, but when we see someone crying in a corner, we always assume that he/she is sad. Or maybe she's just a whiny pig who can't stop crying.
I think we really have this bad attribute; being assuming. Get the facts right before conclusions are being laid down. Even without exactly directing the fault, the mere mention of it hurts. The suspicion, the accusation, the distrust - there are so many signs to interpret and so many emotions felt, is it fair?

I seriously don't think misinterpretations are a result of the lack of mutual understanding. I know I used to think like that but come to think of it, we can't expect the other party to be the bug in our tummy and brain, understanding everything that we're thinking, when we don't mention anything. How would they know everything - when we gonna eat, when we gonna shit, when we gonna feel like boxing people, when we feel like zi-highing, when we feel like we are being damned, and yes, it sounds weird, but mood swings do permit a cycle of thoughts which seems incapable of being perceived right?

Commitment sucks.

Anyways, today was fine. I thought the CME learning journey was quite fun. I mean, at least we're moving and walking around. The weather was fine. I kinda liked the downpour. If only I had an extra shirt to get drenched in the rain.

I'm tired. Shall go sleep. and ohmygod I nearly sprained my ankle again. was just twisting here and there, and ALMOST ALMOST sprained it again. Scary. Okays, I'm scared now. Chicken -.-